2. Friends

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Goshiki was about to go towards the stairs but he felt someone tapped his shoulder, he swiftly turned around to see who it was. It was a boy, who was way shorter than he was, he had orange fluffy hair, light brown eyes and he had a beaming smile plastered on his face

"You must be the one who got here earlier, correct?" The mystery boy said, rather excitedly

"Yeah, that was me." The taller boy replied softly since he didn't want to bother everyone else who were inside their rooms

"I stay in the other room next to yours and Kozine, so I'm practically your neighbor. My name's Shoyo Hinata. Nice meeting you uhhh..." He stopped mid-sentence, waiting for the other to say something

"Tsutomu Goshiki." Goshiki told him which made his face beamed up once again, "Goshiki!! Nice to meet you!!" Hinata exclaimed, grabbing the latter's hand then shook it aggresively

"Say you look rather decent, where ya heading?" He asked as he scanned Goshiki from head to toe, "I'm going out to go buy some stuff for me and Kozine, and maybe buy some clothes too." He told the shorter male

"Oohh! Can I come with you?" He asked while jumping up and down then started flailing his arms around, Tsutomu had to resist his urge to laugh at this boy's silly antics

"Sure, I don't really mind. And I guess you can also bring your roomie too." And right after Goshiki finished his sentence, Hinata ran into his room, which was next to his

After a few minutes, he came skipping to Goshiki, along with a redhead who had his hair down, covering most of his face, they were both wearing sweaters. But Hinata had an orange one, while the redhead had an olive-colored sweater

Him and Hinata stopped in front of Goshiki , the redhead was taller than him and Hinata, oh Lord another giant, Hinata smilingly pointed at the redhead, "Goshiki, this is my roommate Tendou Satori. And I think Tendou already knows who you are." Hinata said while letting go of Tendou's wrist

"You didn't even let me gel my hair Hinata, but anyhow heya Tsutomu~" he sang while shaking his hand, "Soo~ are we going out now?" he continued after he lets go of Goshiki's hand

Tsutomu found Tendou sort of weird, his expressions seemed unreadable, and his mouth was shaped in a funny way, "Oh sure." He said while looking at the time on his phone '6:21 pm' They still have time, they just wont stay long, the three of them walked down the stairs and soon they were now on the streets outside of the school

"So, do you think we should go to a convinience store or a clothing store first?" Goshiki asked as he was walking alongside with the other two on the sidewalk, "Convinience store, I have to buy some milk for my boyfriend." Hinata said while chuckling

"Oh, so you have a boyfriend?" Goshiki asked him, curiously, "Hell yeah!" Hinata replied proudly, "Yeah, a boyfriend who always calls you 'dumbass'." Tendou teased, pushing the shorter slightly with his elbow

"Oh yeah? At least my boyfriend isn't that oblivious." Hinata replied making the three of them laugh out loudly, "You got me there." Tendou elbowed Hinata again, this time, by the hip. "How about you Tsutomu? Got a significant other of your own?" The redhead asked

"Nope, don't have one and never planning to be have one, oh look there's the store. Let's go!" Goshiki replied, fastening his pace with the other behind him trying to catch up


The time was now 7:03 pm and the three boys just arrived at the dormitory, they went to their rooms promising each other that they'll definitely be doing it again during another time

Goshiki was proud that he made new acquaintances on the first day he got here, it wasn't as bad as he would have expected, he learned that him and Hinata were in the same class. He was relieved to know, now that he wouldn't have a hard time to find another set of friends

Meanwhile Tendou was 2 years older than them and his homeroom was in another building, a bit far from theirs, then later they also exchanged numbers

Hinata and him agreed that they'll walk together towards their classroom later in the morning, Goshiki opened the door to his room with the key Kozine gave him then placed it back in his pocket

He was met by Kozine preparing the table, "Glad you made it back early." Kozine said as he smiled and motioned Goshiki to come and eat with him

Goshiki took his shoes off, then placed the plastic bags he held on the couch; planning to take the stuff out later, then he sat on the opposite side of the table where Kozine was sitting

"So guess I'm the one making breakfast tomorrow?" Goshiki mumbled as he placed a spoonfull of food into his mouth, "Yeah sure, as long you wont burn the building down." Kozine replied making both of them wheeze

After they finished eating dinner, Goshiki volunteered to wash the dishes, which he did afterwards, Kozine was in the living room watching some K-drama, or if that's what you call it

Goshiki changed into more comfortable clothes, after that, he took out the things that he bought, then he laid on his bed. Phone in hand, scrolling through social media, he was notified by a message from an unknown number


Sunday, 8:11 pm

yooooo!! tsutomu!!

is that you?

aw hell yeah!!
you ready for

kinda nervous
but yeah.

can you change
my username ಥ‿ಥ
ill change yours hee hee~

okay michael

*goshiki set unknown's nickname to 'hinata 🍊'*

Hinata 🍊:
i'm a fruit now!!
anyways our
first class would
be math so prepare
your braincells

yeah sure

Hinata 🍊:
and make sure to
sleep well (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Hinata 🍊:
oh shoot
i just been bonked
on the head
by tendou telling
me to sleep

Hinata 🍊:

bye, night

Hinata 🍊:
hold that thought-

*hinata set goshiki's nickname to 'grape bangs 🍇'*

oh wow ya
think that
you're so
slick huh??

Hinata 🍊:


Goshiki exited the app, turned his phone off, placing it on the table beside his bed, next he checked Kozine in the living room but only to find his friend in his bedroom fast asleep, his door still slightly open. He smiled at the sight, he closed Kozine's bedroom door and checked if the doors and windows were locked

He looked at his phone for the time '8:56 pm', set an alarm to 6:15 am, and that's when he fell asleep

Oh wow a long chapter. Bery nays

I got my sister to double check the chapters I write before I publish 'em. She's now my apprentice and also the devil

Help (;'Д')

And please take care


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