As Reggie and Mila drove they talked about everything, from how Luke asked her, to what she was gonna do about Oliver.

Reggie opened up about him considering moving in with Alex in the garage, as his parents once again had been fighting, he was thankful he had his shower, his safe place.

As they got to the school, Mila and Reggie walked to locker 272 with laughs and smiles on their faces. "I'm telling you, 'home is where my horse is' will be a banger" Mila shook her head as she opened the locker widening her eyes, and was dangling in front of her.

"What's that?" Reggie asked confused, Mila shocked as she took the small brown box, a tiny letter was on the box which caused her to smile. "Oh I forgot we did secret Santa"

I think you might need this back - your secret Santa

"Which reminds me, I have Aera and I have no idea what to give her" Mila laughed as she opened the gift. "I'll help y-" She stopped her words as she looked in the box where the small 'S' necklace laid. She looked up at Reggie who looked as confused as her.

"I swear, it's not me" Reggie sat putting up his hands. Of course, he knew who he had given it to, so the person could give it back to Mila, but to see her pure joy of getting her 'S' back made his day.

"Will you put it on me?" She asked, almost getting tears in her eyes. He nodded as he took the necklace, he licked his lips as she turned around, slowly moving her hair exposing her neck, he bit his lip as he smiled putting on the necklace he once gave her.

"Mila, ca-" He was about to ask her something when the bell rang. "I will see you at lunch, Regs" She smiled brightly as she took her stuff and began walking towards social studies.

While walking she thought about how Elijah had in the last chapter gotten in a fight with his love as well, she giggled to herself as she began thinking that maybe Luke and her could give her inspiration on how to write their makeup.

As lunch came, the four boys were sitting at their usual lunch table talking and eating. "So you two are dating now?" Bobby asked with a smile on his lip as Luke had told them everything that happened the day prior.

"I guess so" Luke answered with a small smile. "My man, getting Mila Garcia... lucky bastard," Alex said with a bright smile as they all laughed gently, the laugh, however, turned awkward as a tray with a tuna sandwich and apple juice was placed beside Reggie.

"Hey guys" Mila smiled as she sat down, they all awkwardly greeted her, which caused Mila to look Luke  dead in the eye. "You told them" He began making noises, not knowing what to say as he awkwardly tried to not be suspicious.

"Yeah, he did" Bobby exposed him, causing the table to try not to laugh. "Luke! I swear you're the worst at keeping secrets" She said as she shook her head. "We all knew that," Alex said truthfully, which caused Luke to look hurt at the four of them. "Ouch"

"How's your eye by the way?" She asked him, as he had gotten a black eye from the fight Friday. "Honestly, I would punch both of them again, saying you're just a piece of ass is not how you talk about my friends"

"He said what?!" Mila almost yelled as Bobby looked with widened eyes on Luke. "You didn't tell her?" Luke bit his lip. "I thought it might be best not to."

Mila looked at all the boys. "Wait... you beat them up.. because they said bad stuff about me?" Mila answered feeling more guilty than ever that she ever started that fight with Luke.

"They said, you were just a chick, a weirdo and Liam said that you know, Oliver shouldn't like you because you were a stalker and then Oliver said that if you had a good ass, then he didn't care"

Mila could feel her blood boil, listening to Luke's words."I'm sorry, I thought it was better you didn't know" Luke bit his lip, scared she would get mad at them.

However as the soccer players walked into the cafeteria with Oliver Young leading them, all smiling from having won their soccer game against Springfield Sunday night, her eyes were focused on them.

She took a deep breath as she stood up, Reggie grabbing her hand. "Where are you going?" He asked with narrowed eyebrows, she bit her lip as she looked at him with a small smile. "Gonna tell how their weirdo feels"

The boys widened their eyes as they saw Mila walk headfirst over to the soccer boys. "Yo Oliver!" As he turned around still with the smile on his face, it soon disappeared as  Mila punched Oliver so hard in his face, she could feel his nose breaking.

She shook her hand, feeling the pain on her knuckles while she couldn't help but smile brightly. The soccer players all standing in shock as their jaws dropped looking at Mila and then at Oliver.

"For your information, this weirdo does have a nice ass, but it sure doesn't belong to you and never fucking will," Mila said as she looked him dead in the eye. She took a deep breath as she smiled to the soccer players.

"Congratulations on your win yesterday, now" She looked back into Oliver's eyes which had gotten red by the punch. "You can watch my fine ass walk away from you now, you stupid piece of garbage" She flung around and began walking back to the table where her boys sat with jaws dropped.

"That was..-" Alex tried to say, but as no words came out Bobby nodded with a smile. "Hot... that was hot" Causing all of them to laugh. Luke sat in shock as he smiled.

"I didn't know you could do that" She took a deep breath as she bit her lip.

"Well, there are many sides to me you haven't seen yet" She almost quoted him, from the Friday where he too had punched Oliver Young. "I can't wait to see them" He answered as he stood up and kissed her on the cheek.

Reggie and Alex clapping each other on their laps, trying not to fangirl and squeal over their two best friends.

"Orch, get a room," Bobby said disgusted however everyone laughed as they left the cafeteria. Not even noticing Liam and Oliver's eyes following them from the soccer player's table.

Oliver with a cloth on his nose, trying to stop the bleeding.

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