Chapter 8 : I'm Going To Miss You Brahmsy

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You and Historia both parted after you've done crying. She wiped out your tears using her thumbs. She smiled.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked, still wiping out the leftover tears on your cheeks. You nodded. "Much better." You answered. Historia then stood up and sighed. She put both of her hands onto her waist. She looked outside the window with squeezed eyes and checked on her phone to see the temperature. She gasped. "Whoa...It's freaking cold outside. I'm going to make us some tea. Do you want some?" She asked. You nodded. "Yes, thank you. Oh, please make an extra one for Brahms. It's okay if you don't want to. I can make his myself." You beamed at her. She immediately shook her head and waved her hands. "No,no. I will make him tea too. You sit here and play with him. I'll be back." She said with a sincere smile on her face.

You watched outside the window with so many things in your head. 'What should I do after the Heelshires are back?' 'Oh yeah, I probably should apply for another work after this.' 'I wonder if I can visit the Heelshires often.'

You startled when Historia suddenly called your name. You turned to her with confusion. "Hm?" You asked bluntly. She laughed at your confused face. "Here, your tea." She said, handing you you and Brahms tea. You took it with both of your hands. "Thank you so much." You said sincerely. She nodded.

"I guess after this we will meet you less because you will not working here anymore, right?" Historia said with a slight sadness drawn on her face. She tried so hard not to show it. Her words made your eyebrows furrowed. "I promise I will visit you and Seth often. But I'm not sure about the Heelshires." You muttered. "Why?" Historia asked. "One of the rules said 'no guests' and the Heelshires seemed strict. I'm a bit afraid. Hahah." You said with a nervous laughter. Historia shook her head. "No, You're a family member. Not a guest. I'm pretty sure the Heelshires would understand that." She reassured you. You beamed at her.

"Have you packed up your belongings? I read the letter that Mrs Heelshire wrote us that they'll be back the day after tomorrow if I'm not mistaken." She said while sipping her tea. You shook your head. "Not yet. I think I'll start packing tomorrow." You uttered. "In all honesty, I don't want you to go. But I know you have a family waiting for you at home. So, all I can say is, I'll...we. We'll miss you so much." Historia said.

"Actually, I just became an orphan. My parents died two months ago. I do have one friend. But she's busy with her married life. I don't want to bother her. After I'm leaving, I will be all alone again." You uttered, looking down at your tea. "I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know that." Historia apologised. "It's alright." You said, sipping your tea like Historia did earlier.

"But..(Y/n)?" Historia called you. You turned your head to her. "Yes?"

"You are...22 years old, am I right?" She asked. You nodded softly. "Yes,yes I am. Why?" You said, turning the question to her back.

"Then, how old is your married friend?"

"She's also 22 years old. She's married last year."

"Whoa, things like marriage do come unexpectedly." She said. You chuckled at her words. "Indeed." You uttered back.

"I'm going to sleep here again tonight if it's okay with you?" Historia asked. You immediately nodded. "Yes." You simply answered. "Alright. Let me wash that for you." She said motioning her hand to your empty cup. "Let me join you at the kitchen. I want to put Brahms' tea into the freezer." You said. "But It wouldn't be hot anymore..?" Historia frowned. "I don't know. I'm just following the rules..?" You stated, shrugging your shoulders. Historia chuckled. "Alright, little one." She said.


You took a shower after putting Brahms to sleep. You changed to a comfortable pyjamas and started to climb up your bed. You tucked yourself in by pulling the bed sheets up to your chin considering the cold outside. Historia walked in with a spare pillow for her.

"Are you asleep?" Historia asked, raising legs to watch whether you're sleeping or not. "Not yet." You answered her under the sheets. "I'm going to turn off the lights, okay?" She asked again. "Alright." You uttered.

Seth was already sound asleep in the guest bedroom.

Historia slowly climbed up the bed and tucked herself in the same sheets as yours. She brushed your hair. "Goodnight (y/n)." She wished you. You smiled. "Sweet dreams, sister." You wished her back. She chuckled and closed her eyes.


The morning sunshine beamed through your bedroom window making you furrowed your eyebrows. You sat up straight and rubbed your eyes tenderly. You yawned but managed to close your mouth with the back of your hand. You turned to your side to see Historia was not there anymore. 'Perhaps she's in the bathroom? Or the kitchen?' You thought to yourself. You searched for you phone. When you finally got your phone, you turned it on to see the time. It's 6:50. You nodded.

You got out of your bed and do some stretching before going out to the bathroom.


You stepped downstairs with Brahms in your arms to the kitchen. You heard a humming sound and you immediately draw a smile on your face. You tipped toeing into the kitchen carefully not wanting to make a sound.

"Hi!" You shouted. Historia jerked at you.

"Goodness gracious! (Y/n)!!" She shouted back with a hand on her chest. You chuckled. "Sorry." You apologised. She smiled.

"I thought you've already left. So I came here to make a breakfast for Brahms and myself."

"Oh, yes. Speaking about that, Me and Seth have something important to attend. So, I'll be leaving early."

"With Seth?"

"Nope. He's already left."

"When are you going to leave?"

"Right now. I've fixed you and Brahms your breakfast, alright?"

"Are you going to go back home afterwards?"

"Unfortunately,yes. Seth has brought my belongings back home."

"I guess this is a goodbye then." You said. Tears welling up your eyes. Historia frowned. "Aww, baby. I will tell the Heelshires to invite you often." She said with her thumbs wiping out your tears. You nodded softly.


After cleaning the traps and finished Brahms' study and music appreciation, you brought Brahms to your room. You sat him on your bed and you sat in front of him with your legs crossed.

"I'm going to miss you, Brahmsy. Thank you so much for helping me coped up with my grief. I don't know what I would do without you. You've eased my loneliness and made my day everyday." You said, caressing his cold porcelain cheeks.

"I love you, Brahmsy."

You hugged the doll firm yet tenderly. You cried.


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