Chapter 4 : Seth

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After staring at each other for a while, you finally realised that he's been standing outside for the longest time you can remember.

"Uh, do want to come inside, Seth?" You asked while motioning your free hand towards the inside of the house. He smiled. "Sure." He said. "Where to..?" He asked. "Kitchen." You said. He nodded. "Are you here to deliver the groceries?" You asked. "Nope, I thought I should introduce myself earlier." He answered. You nod.

You and Seth walk passed the study room. You turned your head while walking and realised that the records had been turned off without you doing it. You set your eyes to Brahms that is sitting on your left arm. You smiled.

Once you and Seth get to the kitchen, he pulled out the chair for you to be polite. You sat down with Brahms on your lap. "Eh, I should make tea for you. Why did I sit down..haha." You laughed at your own stupidity. Seth shook his head. "No,no! I don't need tea anyways. My girlfriend made me one before I came here. I just came here to see you, that's all." He said. You relieved. " have you been so far..? I mean, taking care of Brahms and all?" He asked. "It's been alright since the Mr and Mrs Heelshires left. I'm happy that I have a cute friend here. Brahms has been a very good boy." You said while giving him a sincere smile. "Well, good to hear that mate." He said.

"Oh no!" You frowned, standing up. "Why??" Seth asked worriedly. "I didn't clean the traps yet. I should probably go now." You said. "Let me join you." Seth said while following you towards the back door. By the time you and Seth arrived there, the traps were already emptied. You astonished. Seth chuckled. "Hey, you've already emptied it." He said. "No. I am very sure that I didn't do that today." You said sternly. Your gaze made Seth a bit uncomfortable. "Okay,okay. You didn't. Maybe the rats gone out for a vacation too..? Who knows,right?" He joked to make the situation less tense. You smiled. "Oh yeah, maybe. I didn't think of that. Hahahahah." Seth's mission is now complete.

You and Seth got back inside to the kitchen.
You turned on the stove to cook. "Seth, how about you stay for dinner?" You asked. "Okay but wait, I have to let my girlfriend know, you know..?" He said while shaking his phone. You nodded. "Hey Brahms, I'll fix us spaghetti, alright?" You said while caressing Brahms cheeks.


You,Seth and Brahms sat in the dining room,enjoying the food you made. "Is my spaghetti alright? Too salty? Or too plain?" You asked for Seth's opinion. He shook his head. "Nope, it's alright. It's scrumptious." He said. You let out a relief sigh. "Say, how old are you?" Seth asked while reaching for his glass of water. "I will be turning 22 years old this year on December." You answered. He choked on his water. "22? I thought you were 17. Damn, your face is too babyface to me." He said. You chuckled. "Thank you, I got that a lot. How old are you,then?" You asked,wiping your lips. "I'm 28 years old. If Brahms still alive, he would be just the same age as me." Seth said, frowning. You weird at his words. "Brahms?" You asked. Seth nodded. "Yeah, Brahms. The doll's owner. I was his friend back then when  we were eight. There's also one girl named Emily. Emily Cribbs." He said sternly. You clearly saw no jokes written on his face. "Emily Cribbs? Where is she?" You asked. Seth frowned again. "She's...dead. It's me all alone now." He said. You felt sorry for him so you've decided to not asking him about that again. Well at least, for now.

"Alright, Seth. Or should I call you big brother? Let me take your dishes." You said, chuckling to change the topic. He smiled. "Sure, why not. You should call me big brother from now on. Hahahah." He laughed. "So, how old is your girlfriend? Are you planning to get married soon?" You asked, foaming the sponge and started to rub the plates. Seth was holding Brahms in his arms standing just beside you. "Yeah, we planned to get married next year. My girlfriend is 25. Her name is Historia Woods. She has beautiful green eyes and silky blonde hair." He described his girlfriend to you. You chuckled. "Woah, someone is really madly in love with his girlfriend." You said. He laughed.

"How about you? Tell me about your boyfriend." He said demanding an answer. You blushed. "I...I'm single since birth." You answered. "What??? You're lying right?" He asked. You laughed at his behaviour. "I don't want to date anyone...I want my future husband to be my first boyfriend." You answered while putting the plates aside. You dried your hand with the towel on the counter. "Ahh, I see. I didn't think of that. It's rare to find someone like you here." He said.

Suddenly, his phone rang. "Welp, it's my wife-to-be." He chuckled. His girlfriend wants him to be home at 8:00 sharp, so he did it. He handed Brahms to you. You watched him leaving before closing the front door. You walked upstairs to your room. You put Brahms sat down on the edge of your bed. You grabbed your clothes from the drawer along with your towel.

"Alright, Brahmsy. I'm going to take a bath and I'll come back for you. Be a good boy and do not do anything that a bad boy did. Including peeking at me showering, perhaps. Who knows, right? " You said, chuckling before kissing his porcelain forehead. You opened the door and made your way to the bathroom.


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