Moving in

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"Why did I even agree to doing this...." Y/N thought to himself as he was in the car with S.Coups heading towards IZ*ONE's dorm.

"Y/N, u feeling okay?" The leader asked.

"I.... I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous and afraid that I might not be able to catch up with u guys and be a burden in the end." The maknae said as he sighed in despair.

"Don't say that Y/N. We all believe that u can do it. Besides it's not like you'll be staying with them all the time, u can come back whenever time allows."

Still feeling unsure about his decision Y/N decided to just accept whatever was coming his way before realising they had reached their dorm.
Knock knock

Standing in anticipation and nervousness as to how the girls would react to a fellow idol being their manager, the two boy group members stood outside their dorm waiting for the door to open.

"Hello sunbaenim, we'll help u with that." The girls greeted before trying to help with the luggage.

"It's alright girls, I'll take it from here. I still have some things to talk to Y/N about. Do u mind if I get some talk with him?" S.Coups asked.

"Of course not. I'll show you guys the room." Eunbi said as she showed the room.

"I'll leave now. U can call anyone of us if u guys need anything." She said before closing the door.

"Hey everything's gonna be alright Y/N. U can contact any of the members or me too u know.
It's not like communication is restricted or anything."

"I know but.... what would the girls think about me suddenly intruding into their lives? I don't know Hyung it just doesn't feel comfortable to me."

"You're thinking too much about it. For all u know the girls might even welcome u. I can tell that they're all nice people." Said the leader.

"I don't know how to feel about this. I mean it's weird that our sunbae is actually our manager now." Wonyoung said as some nodded.

"Aigo it's alright girls. We'll just treat him normally like how we did with our past manager isn't it easy?" Yena said.

"But the situation now is different unnie. This is our senior we're going to be living from now on." Minju said.

"We'll just let things move on naturally alright? We can't let Y/N sunbaenim know that we aren't comfortable about him staying here."

Eunbi whispered as the girls nodded.

"Alright we're done girls. I understand that u
might find it uncomfortable for Y/N to be staying here but I assure u he's a nice guy." S.Coups said.

"O-of course not." The girls hurriedly answered.

"Alright Y/N. I'm going now. Don't worry about the comeback and u can contact us anytime u want."

"Thanks Hyung. I appreciate it." Y/N said as S.Coups bid the girls goodbye before leaving their dorm.
One hour later

There wasn't any conversation going on between the girls and Y/N at all since he excused himself into his room before unpacking his stuffs.

At one corner it was a picture of his family and at the other corner it was his members.

"I already miss u guys..." Y/N thought to himself.

Knock knock

"Sunbaenim can I come in?"

"Yeah, just come in."

The manager (M reader x IZ*ONE)Where stories live. Discover now