chapter 1

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"Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang in harmony as Hyunjin bent down to cut the cake.

It was his twentieth birthday, he would finally gain the ability to interact with his Soulmate, feeling extra cheerful his friends shoved cake in his mouth and spread the cream all over his face.
"Oh my god!" Hyunjin gasped as he realised how he probably looks right now.
It wasn't a planned birthday party whatsoever, they were chilling in their dance practice room when Suddenly Jisung brought in the cake and everything was chaos after that .

" will have to clean the room later Felix, don't make it hard for yourself." Aura sighed as she saw her twin brother throw a piece of cake at Chan who dodged it easily .
It took a while before everybody calmed down, Hyunjin was laying on the floor , panting heavily after the impromptu game of throwing cake at each other. Changbin and Minho were almost covered in cream all over meanwhile jeongin and Chan were mostly clean.

Looking over at Seoyeon and seungmin, Aura noticed that they were just trying to clean up the mess and so she went over to help them while felix and jisung were still hysterical.
"This is gonna be hard." Aura muttered as she picked up the little pieces of cake.
"It's already hard enough being with them ." Seoyeon chuckled.

"Okay guys listen here!" Jisung clapped his hands getting everyone's attention. "Hyunjin, now write something to your soulmate!"
Everyone cheered at the idea and Hyunjin slowly wrote a "Hi" on his left wrist with his fingers.
He seemed to have held his breath and let out a small gasp when the letters turn silver and disappeared.

"His Soulmate isn't twenty yet." Aura said. "Otherwise it would have turn golden and appeared on their wrist."
"That's okay. It's not like I am dying to get a partner." Hyunjin smiled.

"Soulmates Should turn twenty together, that way it would be less disappointment when the words doesn't turn golden." Seungmin sighed going back to cleaning.

If what seungmin said was possible then Changbin and Minho would already know their Soulmates by now and for Chan, he does have a Soulmate but haven't met them yet.

Aura glanced at Seoyeon who turned twenty last month, she is her bestfriend and unexpectedly she doesn't have the ability to interact with her Soulmate indicating she probably doesn't have one in the first place but somehow developed telekinesis.

"HEY Seungmin, do the cleaning later, let's eat first!" Hyunjin pulled the boy with him and the group of ten sat in a circle eating pizza and sipping the soft drinks.  The rest of the evening went by with them just enjoying and chilling.
"How are you guys practicing about your dance competition?" Aura asked sipping her drink.
"Pretty good." Minho replied.
"When is it?" Seoyeon asked and Minho looked at her baffled.

"What kind of a sister are you? Not knowing such an important thing. " Jisung exaggerated.
"Why should I bother about it when you are there for my brother." She said nonchalantly.
This was the thing, jisung wasn't twenty yet but everyone was sure he would be Minho's Soulmate . They both clicked and are absolutely whipped for each other.


"Aura, " seoyeon said as they both were on their way home. "I am so relieved that we don't know who is Hyunjin's Soulmate."
"Huh!?" Aura looked at her surprised.
Seeing Aura's shocked expression seoyeon rolled her eyes and said blatantly , "see I know you have a crush on him."

"WAAA- NO." Aura denied immediately.
"I know you more than you know yourself but okay if you don't accept it . " Seoyeon replied calmly.

"HI!" They both turned around to see one of their classmate, waving at them excitedly.
"Not again." Aura whispered to seoyeon who sighed.
The boy came running towards them.
"Hi Jaemin." They both greeted him.
"I was just passing by when I saw you both , " then he turned towards Seoyeon. "Here, suspend this pencil in the air for 5 seconds."

There was a moment of silence before seoyeon sighed and stared at the pencil and in an instant the pencil was suspended in the air. Jaemin looked at the pencil in awe and after a few seconds he took his pencil back,  thanked them and bid goodbye.

"Why does he ask you to do things like this everyday?" Aura laughed.
"Who knows? He probably finds it amusing." Seoyeon chuckled.
Are you okay? " Aura asked.
"Yeah . Why?"
"Everyone was talking about their Soulmate back there.." she trailed off.
"Ah that. Yeah am fine, don't worry about these by the way, have you done the homework? "
"I cannot not worry about you bro, you are my bestfriend , " aura side hugged seoyeon. " And I did the homework."
"Then send me the homework. I am switching off my brain for today." She chuckled.

"Stop making these shitty jokes." Aura gave her a look.
"I am learning from Jisung."
"I can't believe that you both are my best friends ." She sighed.
"Consider yourself lucky." Seoyeon flipped her hair and they both burst out laughing.

"Is Felix coming with Minho? It's already pretty late and they have to clean the studio. " Aura looked at her watch.
Seoyeon nodded, "Minho said he will drop Felix and then will be back home. "
"That's fine otherwise mom would be worried. "
"I know, okay go now. Bubye."

The two of them hugged and  walked slowly to the tea point and bid eachother goodbye before going their own way.


Okay so this was the first chapter. I still haven't got hang of the story so it will take one or two more chapters until I can write in a flow.

Thank you for reading.

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now