Chapter 29

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Y/N L/N's POV:

Hermione and I currently sitting the Great Hall watching the older students put their names into the goblet. I heard a boy shout "Come on Ced! Do it!" I look to the direction of where the voice came from and saw Cedric and his friends walking towards the goblet. Cedric then looks at me and smiles which I return. Hermione and I were to busy having fun with each other that we failed to notice Ron and Harry came and sat behind us. Hermione picked up the book she brought with her and started reading. Ron then said "Eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? In three years from now we'll be old enough to be chosen" I jumped as I didn't see him there and put a hand over my heart and said "Bloody hell!" Harry laughed and said "Yeah well rather you than me" I rolled my eyes and then I heard the noise of the 'lovely' twins coming into the hall cheering. They ran past some students, high-fiving them as they pasted, and George stood up on a bench and said "Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it-" Fred then stood up on the same bench and continued "cooked it up just this morning-" I then said as I rolled my eyes "It's not going to work" Fred and George came over to us and sat beside us. Fred then said "Oh yeah? And why's that L/N" Hermione then explained "You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself-" Fred cut Hermione off by saying "So?" Hermione then rolled her eyes and continued "So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion" I turned to Hermione and said "Mione, the way we are going we could be twins like the dum-dums beside us" I heard Ron chuckle from behind us and I put up my hand to Ron the high five which he did. George pretended he didn't hear me call them 'dum-dums' and stood up near Fred and said "That's why it's so brilliant. Ready Fred?" Fred stood up beside George and said "Ready George?" They tangled their arms and said "Bottoms up" and chugged their potions. They jump inside the age line, and cheer. They put their names in the flame and high-five each other. The flame fires up and they were flung across the room onto the floor. When they get up they have full heads of grey hair and beards. George said, pointing a finger at Fred "You said.." Fred then said, pointing a finger at George" They roll around fighting on the floor and the crowd cheer. The room suddenly became silent as Viktor Krum walks in and puts his name in the flame. He looks at Hermione and she smiles. I look at her and smirk so wide. Hermione rolls her eyes in response and I couldn't help but laugh. I then walk over to Fred and George and say "Alright dum-dum twins, time for you to go to the Hospital wing" I help Fred and George up and ushered them to then Hospital wing. When we go to the Hospital wing, I stood outside as I waited for the twins to finish. Shortly after, the twins come out of the Hospital wing and I say "You guys alright?" the twins nodded and I said "Good. Wanna go outside?" George wrapped an arm around me which I pushed off and said "You read my mind" I nodded and then shouted "LAST ONE OUTSIDE OWES THE OTHERS 5 GALLONS" I then took off into a spirit. I heard footsteps behind me which only meant Fred and George were gonna win. I reached outside first followed by Fred and lastly George. George then mumbled a few muggle swear words as he reached into his pocket for the money, which earned him a slap on the head from me. I then heard some shout "Y/N" I turn around and see Malfoy. Fred and George take a step forward, like they need to protect me, I put up hand telling them to stop and say "Give me sec" I walk over to Malfoy and say "Hey Malfoy" Malfoy says "Hey Y/N" I roll my eyes and said "What do you want?" He shrugs and says "can't I say Hi to someone I know" I look at him and say "Bye" I walk over to Fred and George and see that Fred is walking away. I look at George and give him a sad smile before I run to chase after Fred, who is about to go to the Gryffindor Common Room. I get in front of Fred to try and stop him from walking a say "Are you ok?" He scoffs and says "your boyfriend's waiting" referring to Malfoy waiting near the Gryffindor Tower entrance. I rolled my eyes and say "He's not my boyfriend. I hate him!" Fred scoffs again and walks past me as he says "Whatever" Fred enters the common room and I then shout "Fred!" He turns around a says "What?!" everyone stopped talking a all eyes are on Fred and I. I replied "Stop!" Fred then asks "Why?" I paused. I didn't know what I was doing. Fred nods and turns to walk up the stairs to his common room when I shout to Fred "Because I love you, you idiot!" My eyes widen at what I said. Fred turns around and walks up to me and puts his hands on my cheeks. He leans in a connects our lips. Everyone cheers as I smile into the kiss. I pull away from the kiss and smile at Fred. Fred smiles back and says "I love you too."


Hey Loves!!! Hope you are ok. Thank you so much for 3.1k reads! I am feeling giving and there are two chapter questions.

Chapter Question 1: Who is your childhood TV star crush?

Mine is Jack from Kickin it.

Chapter Question 2: Who is your favourite actress?

Mine is Phoebe Tonkin. I loved her as Hayley in TVD and Cleo in H2O

Take Care,



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