Chapter 3

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Fred Weasley's POV: 

Once Y/N walked up the stairs I looked at George who was already smirking at me. "What?!" I said slightly aggravated. "Nothing just the way you smiled at Y/N" "I just smiled" "Sureeeee" he said unsure I was telling the truth. George and I walked over to Mum to say goodnight before heading off to sleep. George and I mumbled our goodnights before George fell asleep while I tossed and turned trying to get to sleep. I thought about anything to get me to sleep. Quidditch, George, My siblings, Lee commentating the quidditch games, Angelina Johnson. One thought crossed my mind and I fell into a calm and peaceful sleep. Y/N.

Y/N L/N's POV: 

I woke up the next morning feeling like I didn't sleep at all. I got out of bed even though I didn't want to. I looked at the time and realised I had to leave to make it to Kings Cross Station on time. I quickly got ready and put my books I took out yesterday for some light reading. I grabbed my full trunk and walked downstairs. All the Weasleys and Harry, Hermione and I were ready to go. I bid my good mornings and we evaporated to Kings Cross Station. We ran through the wall and placed our bags onto the train. As soon as I placed me bag down Alaska came flying on my shoulder with a letter from Mum. I quickly placed it in my pocket before Fred and George could take it off me. I turned to Mrs Weasley and gave her hug and said "Hope to see you soon Mrs Weasley" she pulled out of the hug and held onto my arms and said "Of course dear! You should join us for christmas I am sure everyone would love you there." I quickly replied "I would love to! See you soon Mrs Weasley Bye!" as I walked into the train and I heard her shout "Bye Dear!." I walked down the train trying to find any sign of Lee, George or Fred. I soon spotted the carriage where Fred, George and Lee were all seated and chatting. I opened the doors and shut them quickly. I sat down next to Lee who quickly realised I was there and gave me a side hug saying "oh Hey Y/N!" I returned the side hug and said "Hiya Lee." We both pulled away. I cleared my throat and said "Right, lets get down to business" as I clicked my knuckles as the boys chuckled at my actions. The rest of the train ride was filled with laughter, planning pranks and having fun. Just before we arrived at Hogwarts I told the boys I was going to go put my robes on. I got my robes and walked to the bathroom. Once I got changed I thought it was a good idea to read Mum's letter in the bathroom for some privacy since the boys don't know the word exists.

(The Letter Y/N's mum wrote below)

Dear Y/N,

It is so lovely to hear that you got to the Leaky Cauldron. I made sure Alaska was feed and sleep before flying back to you thats why she probably arrived as you were boarding the train. With the Fred situation I say play it cool and most importantly BE YOURSELF!! Yourself is a beautiful, strong, wise, brave and funny young girl and if Fred is too silly to notice how amazing you are then he really is a silly git. 

Enjoy Hogwarts this year dear and don't get into too much trouble. And I think you will be wanting to spend the holidays with the Weasley's this year and you have my permission. 

Sending lots of Love,


You fold up the piece of paper and head pack to the carriage where the boys ask why you took so long. You simply reply  "What I was doing was my business and you don't need to go stinking your noses into." The boys talked for the rest of the journey there while you looked out the doors to see the beautiful castle.


Hey Loves!! Chapter 3 is a go. sorry its a short chapter. I have lots of school work to do. Comment how you feel so far about the story and if you have any ideas too.

Stay Safe Loves,



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