Wolfie UwU: And it was

Author-Chan: You're a genius

AirbornAngel: Wait....

AirbornAngel: OHHHH I know what you're doing lmao

HeroHawks: Please explain what your cousin, boyfriend and friend are doing TwT

AirbornAngel: Nah

Wolfie UwU: I saw a man with only one eye

Wolfie UwU: In a 3D movie

Author-Chan: I saw a little boy drop his ice cream cone

3D Printer: That's not that bad!

Author-Chan: Directly on his mother's corpse

HeroHawks: What the actual fuck

Shy bby: sam why are you being so dark?

Insomniac: I saw a kitten stuck in a tree

Insomniac: And the kitten jump off and he h*ng himself

AirbornAngel: Ok that's just depressing

Wolfie UwU: I saw a boy who had red hair

HeroHawks: ...

AirbornAngel: Why you gotta do Kiri like that lmao

Insomniac: I went to the store looking for something to buy

Insomniac: But they only sold paintings of the same sad guy

AirbornAngel: No wait this store sells mirrors

HeroHawks: YOU TOO?

AirbornAngel: See what I did there? LET'S ROCK

Wolfie UwU: no

Silent Killer: Geez that's blunt

Author-Chan: The world is so sad bros

HeroHawks: We aren't your bros

Author-Chan: Screw you

Wolfie UwU: Pain, war, genocide, racism, sexism

3D Printer: ....

Shy bby: babe, are you ok?

Wolfie UwU: But I've got to remember there's good things about it too!

HeroHawks: Yeah, think positive!

Insomniac: Like the fact the none of that is happening to me. Score

Silent Killer: Wow, previliged much?

Insomniac: How do y'all do it?

Wolfie UwU: I've been telling you terribly sad things this whole song, you haven't been sad at all

Author-Chan: You've been happy. No, you've been laughing

Shy bby: i haven't

Author-Chan: That's it, laughter, it's the key to everything. It's the way to solve all the sadness in the world!

AirbornAngel: I mean, not for the people who are actually sad

Insomniac: But for the people like us who have to fucking deal with them all the time

3D Printer: That's rude!

HeroHawks: Damn

AirbornAngel: Being a comedian isn't being an insensitive prick capitalizing on the most animalistic impulses of the public, it's being a hero!

HeroHawks: I-

Silent Killer: What is happening?

3D Printer: I have no idea

Wolfie UwU: The world isn't sad. The world's funny! I get it now! I'm a sociopath 😃

HeroHawks: Akane you need to talk to someone, like a therapist

AirbornAngel: I saw an old man slip and fall. Hey, what a fucking idiot

Author-Chan: I saw a woman at her daughter's funeral

Insomniac: HAHAHA. classic comedy

Author-Chan: Everything that once was sad is somehow funny now

Wolfie UwU: The Holocaust and 9/11?

AirbornAngel: That shit's funny 24/7

Silent Killer: Are you heartless or something?

Wolfie UwU: Cause tragedy will be exclusively joked about

Author-Chan: Because my empathy is bumming me out

HeroHawks: No shit, Sherlock

Insomniac: Goodbye sadness~

AirbornAngel: Hello jokes

Silent Killer: What did I just witness?

3D Printer: I need a moment to process this

3D Printer has logged off


HeroHawks: Are you fucking kidding me?

Shy bby: what song was that?

Wolfie UwU: It's called 'Sad' by Bo Burnham

AirbornAngel: It's a great song UwU

HeroHawks: Ok, fuck all of you who did that lyric prank

HeroHawks has logged off

Insomniac: Oof

AirbornAngel: Oop

Wolfie UwU: Well, we should probably go. We have school tomorrow.

Author-Chan: True. See ya'll later!

Shy bby: bye ^w^

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