Babysitting Fumika Sasaki

22 1 15

Akane, Ayame and Galaxy have been tasked with babysitting Fumkia Sasaki, daughter of pro hero Sir Nighteye. Wonder how it will go.

The trio of cousins sat around Keigo's apartment. They had their own keys, so they had come to visit him earlier that day. Currently, they were waiting for him to finish up some errands.

Soon, the sound of a key could be heard and the door opened soon after. Galaxy got up to greet her older cousin, but stopped once she saw....

A child!?!

"Um, why do you have a small child with you?" She asked awkwardly, catching the attention of her other cousins. The two twins came over, seeing the young girl.

Hawks chuckled. "This is Nighteye's kid, Fumika. I offered to have you guys babysit for him for a bit."

Akane looked at the black-haired child and immediately fell in love with her. "Aww! Nice to meet you, Fumika." She introduced.

The young girl looked up at the wolf girl and smiled. "Nice to meet you too!"

Hawks kneeled down to Fumika's level and pointed to each of his relatives individually while explaining, "The white-haired one is my younger sister, Akane. The girl next to her is her twin sister, Ayame. She's mute. And the winged one is my annoying American cousin, Galaxy."

"I am not annoying!" The formerly mentioned female protested. Her blond cousin cocked an eyebrow. "Sure, keep telling yourself that, kid."

Galaxy quickly flipped him off, hoping Fumika didn't see. If she did, she didn't comment.

"Well, take good care of her, alright? I don't need to get on another person's bad side. Nighteye will be back to pick her up at 3." Keigo said before heading to the window, lifting himself over the ledge and taking off.

The girls stood in silence for a moment before the young Fumika commented, "I'm kinda hungry..."

Ayame turned to her twin and signed 'Should we take her to the noodle stand in the park?'

Akane both signed and said aloud, "Sounds good to me."

Fumika looked confused at the two before Galaxy explained, "Since Ayame is mute, she communicates through sign." The black-haired girl made an 'o' shape with her mouth before adjusting her bag, allowing Akane to notice the plushies of Sir Nighteye, All Might and her brother.

"Oh, you like heroes?" She asked, motioning to the three plushies. Fumika smiled and replied, "Yeah!" The two started talking as the group headed out the door of Keigo's apartment and towards the park.

-Time skip brought to you by Akane's wholesomeness-

The girls happily ate their noodles while making small talk with the young Sasaki. Not many people were in the park, so they managed to find a nice table in the shade. The weather was a bit colder, so most people opted to stay indoors, but it was still nice out.

Soon, some familiar faces appeared around the bend of the park trail. Fumika's eyes widened before her wings unfurled and in a split second, she had tackle-hugged one of the walkers.

Akane immediately panicked, rushing over to help. "Oh my god, are you ok?" She asked the person.

"Don't worry about it! I'm used to it." He said. As she got a better look, she recognized the guy on the ground as Mirio Togata.

As Galaxy and Ayame came over, they quickly recognized Mirio and the other members of the Big Three, Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki. Galaxy smiled and said, "Hey! My favorite upperclassmen."

Nejire smiled before wrapping Galaxy in a hug. "I missed you, girl!" The blue-haired female commented. "Me too!" The blonde replied.

After a bit of greetings, Akane turned to Mirio. "So, you said you're used to her tackle-hugging you?" She asked, one ear flopping to the side confused.

"Oh yeah. I intern at her dad's agency, so I babysat her a lot. Though, looks like I have some job competition." He smiled, lightly elbowing Akane, who giggled.

The white-haired girl soon felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She blushed and looked to her side, seeing Tamaki's blushing face. "H-hey Tamaki."

"H-hey..." He replied. Galaxy and Nejire both began to "Awww" and making kissy noises, embarrassing the couple even more.

Ayame sighed and told the duo, 'Knock it off.'

Galaxy signed back, 'Oh, come on. It's funny!'

The mute girl sighed and went to stand near Fumika.

The Big Three ended up hanging out with them for a while, just chatting and stuff. At around 3:30, the babysitters and Fumika left for Hawks's apartment. Fumika made sure to thank the girls for taking care of her.

As promised, at 4:00, Sir Nighteye arrived to pick up his daughter. "Thank you for taking care of her. I already foresaw the three of you doing a good job babysitting her, so I knew you must be trustworthy."

"It's not a problem, Sir Nighteye-Sama." Akane said, giving a polite bow, her twin and cousin soon following.

The Sasaki's soon left and the cousins were left alone.

"Akane, I never knew you were so good with kids!" Galaxy commented, causing her wolf-eared cousin to blush. "Oh, it's nothing..."

'I also think you did a good job with her'  Ayame signed.

"W-well, thanks." Akane said, slightly flustered from the compliments.

The trio sat back in the living room and all smiled, knowing they did something good and had fun doing it.

Awww, I think this was pretty cute UwU. I started writing this earlier, then came back to it, so the flow may be a little off, but otherwise not bad.

Until next time!

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