Chapter 1

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"... So this means y = x + 3-..."

Yeah, I zoned out after that, flipping my purple lead pencil in my hand. This was my new life, in the living room, on the family computer doing school work because 2020 is a bitch. As I 'did' the work, I could hear my dad talking on the phone, saying that someone stole his identity and took his unemployment money and that we were about to be kicked out of the trailer we live in. School work already put me in a bad mood, but this just made it worst. I just wanted to disappear right now. I thank God that it was a light day today, I was so not in the right mindset to do work. After I wrote down the notes, I took pictures of them and loaded it into the Google classroom, then pressed the 'turn in' button. I huffed out a sigh as I back out of that class, seeing if I needed to do other work. A smile was light on my lips as I saw that nothing was due soon. As I logged off of the computer I got up and started to stretch, hearing a knock at our door and making our three dogs bark. I went over, telling our dogs to stay back in a harsh tone. Really, why didn't we have cats again? I love our dogs, but they never listen!

As soon as I opened the door, the three dogs rushed from behind me, nearly knocking me over. Though I luckily caught the railing to keep me up right. I let out a sigh, cursing the three hyper dogs in my head and how it was so cold out here. I then looked around, looking for whoever knocked, only to see a UPS truck speeding off. Then my eyes caught sight of the package that was left on the porch beside the door. It was a small, thin box as if there was a movie inside and I picked it up, reading the label on it as I called my dogs to go inside and what do you know, they listened to me for once!

"Huh... It's addressed to me, but I didn't buy anything... And it doesn't have a return address. Oh well, mom probably used my name to win free stuff." I said out loud, shrugging as I closed the door and made my way to mom and dad's room. I knocked three times, waiting for one of my parents to answer.

"Come in!" I heard my dad say, he must be done calling the workforce or whatever. I opened the door, closing it behind me.

"Mama, did you use my name to win something? Cuz there's a package with my name on it and I know I didn't buy anything." I say walking over to her side of the bed and handing it to her. Mom looked at me like I was growing a second head as she took the package from me.

"You think I would do that?" She asked.

"To win free stuff? Yeah, I know I would." I giggled, making mom laugh as well as my dad leaned over from his side of the bed to get a better look at the package.

"So, did you?" He asked mom, and she looked up in thought.

"No, not that I remember." She said, scrunching up her forehead. Both of my parents looked up at me. "And you're sure you didn't buy anything?" Mom asked me and I nodded.

"I know better, and plus, I don't even know you're bank card number and stuff." I said, cocking my head. "Do you think Angel got it?" I asked, making dad hmm.

"I don't know why she would put it in your name, but go get her, and Jr. as well" Dad said to me, I just nod my head and walked out as dad grabbed his phone. "I'll check the account and see if any money is unaccounted for." He added, talking to mom but I could also hear him. I then made my way down to the hall to the shared room me and my sister had together. I opened the door and flicked on the lights.

"Angel!" I said loudly to wake her up.

She didn't move.

"ANGEL!" I yelled.

"WHAT!?" My sisters irritable tired voice rasped out as she opened up her eyes, then squinted at me.

"Mom and dad wants us." I say as I turned around and started to walk, hearing the bed shift behind me and knowing that she was getting up, but I then stopped at Bubba's room. I knocked on his door before opening it.

A Long Way From Home (BNHA x Modern! Oc!)Where stories live. Discover now