Chapter 2

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Darkness, darkness was all around me, and I couldn't feel anything. It's like I have no body, just floating around in darkness. Where am I? What happened to me? I wanted to start panicking, but there is this overwhelming calmness that flooded me. I couldn't tell why. It was so weird not having your five senses. You never think about how your tongue touches the back of your teeth, or how all your toes touch each other until you can't feel them anymore, and the slight ringing you hear when you're in complete silence. Even more weird was not having a heartbeat, that's kinda scary.

I tried to look back in my memories of what happened to me, It was a bit foggy. But I know I died, that was definite, so where am I? I can't tell. Is this the afterlife? Heaven? Hell? Ugh, my brain hurts from thinking too hard.

"Finding body..." A female robot voice rang out of the darkness. What? Body?

"Error, body isn't found... Finding new body..." The voice said again, I'm going to call her Bot, just to make it easier. Anyways, new body? I know I died, but new body? I'm being reborn? And what's with the robot voice, was God really a robot this whole time? Damn, the Christians will not be happy to hear about this.

"New body found, putting soul in body..." Bot said, then suddenly, I felt everything all at once. I could hear the ringing of silence, I could feel my toes touch, my tongue touching my teeth, my heartbeat. I could FEEL everything that a body should. It was almost overbearing, but I managed to stay as calm as I could. I couldn't move my body, though. I know this because I tried to open my eyes, or wiggle my fingers, and I couldn't even make my body twitch.

"Loading world that body belongs to, My Hero Academia..." Bot said... WAIT! My Hero Academia!? As in the world that had THE Deku, the cuite we all love!? How is this even possible!? I started to freak out on the inside, since I still couldn't move my body.

"World loaded, launching body into world... " Bot said, then everything went silent as it was in the beginning, I couldn't hear the ringing in my ears again. I almost started to panic, but I started to hear wind. You know, the strong type of wind that sounds like WHOOSH! It's hard to describe, but it wasn't only the sound of wind, I could also feel the wind rush around me.

(A/N: After this point, bold will mean that reader-chan will be talking in English. Even A/N's will be bold AND italics.)

I tried opening my eyes again, and this time it worked! I had a bird-eye view of a city, it was kinda beautiful. The sun was setting, making the sky pretty pinks, oranges, and purples. It was an aesthetic for sure, but one thing I noticed was that the building and ground were getting closer. That's when I realized that I was falling from an incredible height, and that I was the one getting closer to the buildings and ground. My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I was about to die again.

"AHHH! FUUUUCK!" I screamed out, but the voice wasn't mine, that fact slipped my mind because I was about to DIE... AGAIN! Tears left my eyes, only to seemingly float upwards. I didn't want to die, not again! Death was painful last time, what makes this time different!? I was approaching the ground fast, I was about the height of the buildings now and it looks like I will die in an alley, great. I bit my lip and covered my face with my hands, this is it, I'm going to die again. I didn't even live this life at all.

Yet, I didn't feel a heavy thud, nor my bones crushing. Nothing. What I did feel, was the air around me was now a gentle breeze. I slowly, and shakily, pulled my arms away from my face, taking a peek at my surroundings. I was mere feet off of the ground, and in a dark alley.

"W-wha?" I question, again not noticing that my voice was different. I looked around rapidly, seeing a gentle white light around me. Soon the light disappeared, making my feet hit the ground a bit hard. I let out a gasp as I stumbled forward, catching myself on a wall. I grunted as I stayed there for a couple seconds, feeling my legs wobble under me like noodles.

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