Not like he can do much anyway, so it's probably best to let it go. They both seem happy enough on social media, so he shouldn't be worrying about it. 


"With what?" Caleb asked, feeling as if it was a dumb question the second it came out of his mouth. "I mean, I know what you're distracted with, but I thought it was mostly resolved?"

"That weird girl hasn't texted you in like a week, you and Millie are on good terms... aren't things more stable right now?" he questioned, trying to understand the situation better.

"They kind of are." he explained hesitantly. "Millie just posted a picture of her and her ex boyfriend, so-"

"Oh, I see." Gaten nodded, reaching for the remote to go ahead and mute the channel that was playing since he was suddenly extremely invested in this conversation. "You're jealous." he smirked teasingly as him and Caleb exchanged looks.

"What? No, I just-"

"You want it to be you and her, don't you?" Gaten wiggled his eyebrows, poking a lot of fun at his frustrated friend who could barely get a word out. "It's not-"

"I figured you would eventually fall for her back when you texted because she looks like your type but since you couldn't get passed the dull personality it made it better once you found out-"

"Dude," Caleb cut him off, being able to sense for once that whatever fantasy solution Gaten was trying to come up with wasn't the case. Don't get him wrong, he would absolutely adore teasing Finn over finally liking a girl after Iris, but to him it seemed a bit deeper than normal jealousy.

And he's seen firsthand how Finn is like when he's jealous. Not saying it was a good situation since the reason he experienced it was because Iris flipped out and kissed his best friend to make him mad once, but... they were over that.

"It's not about that, okay?" Finn finally responded, trying to shut down any upcoming comments he would've gotten if he had let that continue. "I'm not jealous of him."

"He's just a dick."

"Like, an uneducated emotionally abusive dick who probably got dropped too many times as a baby." he blurted out, relieved to finally get that off his chest but still not feeling much better about the situation.

"Abusive?" Caleb quoted Finn, starting to understand how serious what he was talking about was. "I mean, maybe not... I don't know." he stated unsurely, trying to almost take back what he said in case he was being dramatic.

"What made you say that then?"

"I saw them arguing towards the end of the wedding." Finn explained, trying to think back to the exact events of what had happened when he walked in on the two of them. "Did he ever touch her?"

"I don't think so." he shook his head. "He did push something out of her hands when he got mad though."

"That was after he called her a bitch and then just stormed off." Finn started to realize just how bad it sounded when he finally said it out loud. Of course he knew it was awful, but now he almost wishes he had done more.

Caleb thought about it, figuring that if he was comfortable enough to do that sort of things in a public setting then imagine what he's like when he's mad in private. "Have you talked to Millie about it?"

He shook his head no. "I checked to make sure she was okay afterwards but we didn't really talk about that specifically."

"Maybe you should text her then." Caleb suggested, luckily seeing a brief moment where Finn took that into consideration. The only problem is that he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries with her.

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