smoke bomb

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She gave him a polite yet adoring smile, which did absolutely nothing but enhance the nervous butterflies that were swarming in his stomach.

He was relieved to see her smiling at him, luckily letting him know that she wasn't still angry about whatever he did in the past to make her so upset with him.

He's been waiting for this moment for God knows how long, and now it's finally here? He's terrified.

Millie was trying her very hardest to remember where she knows him from and the last time she saw him, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Hey... you." she muttered with a nervous smile, trying to cover up the fact that she had no idea what his name was.

Which of course resulted in her feeling badly since he looked pretty happy to see her.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to not notice how different her voice sounded on the phone then it does now.

"How- um, how have you been?"

He wanted to kick himself for the very short yet very awkward question, but she responded pretty quick so he barely had any time to think about it. "Good..."

"That- that's nice."

"Yeah." she laughed, defusing the tension slightly as he bit down on his bottom lip.

"So, uh, when did you get the accent?" he playfully mimicked her British accent nervously, however his laugh fell flat when he noticed the look of confusion on her face.


"You're... you know, british." he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"So I've noticed." Millie replied, his heart sinking at how much he was blowing this conversation.

"I mean, like, you weren't when we... were on the phone that one time. Did you like, grow an accent?" he laughed nervously.

"Not that I, like, don't like it... or, like- it's a nice accent and stuff but you just sound different. Not a bad different though. Just, like... not american anymore." he tried to explain himself, which sounded worse the more he kept going which resulted in his face turning more pink as she looked at him with narrowed eyebrows.

"Wait, what? Are you sure you have the right person?" she questioned, watching as his eyebrows slightly narrowed.

"Uh, yeah...?" he trailed off, not understanding in the slightest what's happening.

"I'm sorry, where do I know you from?"

"The internet? Remember?" Finn muttered in response. He was expecting literally anything else to happen, except for her not remembering him.

How could she not remember? Did she really just... forget him that fast?

"What's your name?" she questioned hesitantly, afraid to hear his response as the more she talked to him the more it looked like Noah was telling the truth.


Her eyes went slightly wide, her heart thumping loudly in her chest as she tried to tell herself that it wasn't true.

But... if it was, so many things would make sense.

"Um," she cleared her throat. "I need a minute."

He watched as she walked passed him, timidly making her way to out of the building once again (leaving Finn to feel like a complete idiot) as she took a deep breath and tried to hold herself together.

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