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Here I was at the grounds of castle of basilweather.. I think it was my 3rd time here, it was a big palace, with a large garden. Tewksbury had gotten here before her, because he had to ride in the fancy car that he came in, I was invited to come along but I decline the offer, whether I did it politely or not is not necessary for you to know. ( I had also told Miss. 

I was walking through the forest when I saw a familiar face, "oh no" I whispered and turned to run the other way. It was Mr. Barner, a creepy looking man that I met when I was visiting some place, his daughter was missing and I agreed to help him, big mistake, I found his daughter dead, and he thought I DID IT! He swore to kill me if he ever saw me again. 

As I was running I bumped into a guy, looked like those farmer dudes, perfect, I took out some of the money I had, " I'll give you money if you switched outfits with me" I said quickly.

He looked at me weirdly, "Why?"

"because...- Why do you need to know anyway, eh? Don't you want the munah?"

"why would I want the 'Munah'?" 

I glared at him. What was wrong with him, SAY YES OR NO STOP AsKING QUESTIONS, I took a deep breath, " BECAUSE- you are a farmer boy dude and you wou'd not been one IF YOU WERE RICH-" Ok maybe I was rude but life or death situation here... "and because imma get murdered it you don't " I added sweetly with a smile.

"First" he said "why is everyone calling me 'FARMER BOY' IM NOT A FARMER BOY, I TOLD my mother NOT TO MAKE ME WEAR THIS-." he pased waving wildly at his outfit. "and second- why are you so calm about almost getting murdered? Most people would run away screaming"

Why was this man so curious? " Well you seem calm about it too! Most people would freak out.." I said putting my hands on my hips.

He shrugged "Fair point" 

"well than, I'm leaving, your no help" I said to the ignorant boy before stalking away looking for a place to hide. 

"wait whats your n-" I did't hear the rest, and did not turn back because I swear i think Mr. Burner saw me. 

I ducked under a bush and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. "AHH" I screamed, waving my fist around. 

"Ahh chill enola its me!!" said Tewkesbury, I blushed getting up and brushing my my dress, I turned and saw the Mr. Burner just got in a carriage and road away, I sighed in relief. " My mother wants to see you, and before that- mind telling me why you hiding under a bush.."

I ducked my head before looking back up at him " You do you need to know" I snapped " Dose't your mother have to see us?" I said before turning to walk towards the castle. Ok so I was still kind of mad at him- but could you blame me?

He sighed and led me towards the castle gates where we met his mom. 

I smiled "Hello" I said politely.

She narrowed her eyes at me " well your Elona huh? I am surprised you came. Dinner is at 6:30.. please do come- our maid will escort you to your room" She said bluntly, then she called over a maid and told her to take me to my room.

I waved to tewksbury and followed the maid. My room was a nice room, with lots of space. I sat on the bed, and wondered why Tewkesburys mom was kind of rude to me.. and why was she surprised that I came? Why wouldn't I? I sighed and walked over to a desk and got out a piece of paper and a pencil (pretend there are pencils at this time- BEAR WITH ME PLEASE ;-;). I might as well do what I came for.. investigate. I wonder what Amanda is like.. I shrugged, Im sure I'll meet her at dinner. 


I hurried down the marble stairs where I met up with Tewkesbury. We walked over to the Dinner hall. My jaw dropped as I saw the people, there was probably a dozen. So. Many. People. I glanced around and saw a few people I knew, I saw a young  girl who I assumed was Amanda.

But one person caught my eyes... My eyes widened, it was- 

A/N: Yuh Cliffhanger- deal w/ it :P XD welp hope u enjoyed and i did not spend so long proof reading so sorry if there is any errors. soooo yall know tha drill- plz vote and comment ur thoughts ~ thanks for who ever read this and voted - I really appreciate it
 luv yall <3


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