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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Recap*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

 -Hello Enola, Miss me? Meet me at the market at five pm - handsome lord incompoop-

My heart stopped, the words 'handsome lord incompoop' rang through my head. Only one person would sign that name, and I knew who.  

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Present *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was him. I wanted to deny it but I couldn't. I count to help but smile, he wanted to see me, for some reason that thought made me warm inside. I sighed shaking my head. I would go see him, tomorrow, I groaned, I knew what that meant, I was going to go to the market tomorrow, again. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*The Next Day*:・゚✧*:・゚✧   

I blinked, rubbing my eyes as the sunlight shone at my eyes. I sighed getting out of bed, my groggy mood quickly improved as I remembered I was meeting him, after 6 long months. I sighed and frowned as I saw a goofy smile plastered on my face on the mirror. ew. I put on a nice dress, and hurried down stairs to get some breakfast. 

"Good morning, Enola" I turned to see Ms. Audra. I smiled waving. " You seem to be in a good mood" She observed. I blushed, was it that obvious that I was excited to see that idiot. No I was not ecsided, sure keep telling yourself that, Enola, really even my brain was against me.

"I'm going to the market" I told her while taking some toast. 

"I thought you went on sundays.." She said raising her eyebrows, oh she knew me so well.  

I considered lying to her and saying I forgot to get something, but I could never lie to her.. " Im going to meet a - " I paused trying to find the right word. "Friend". Now don't get excited, I was not sure she would believe me if i said 'guy I saved from crazy grandmother who was trying to kill him, and have not seen in 6 months'. Friend would have to do. 

She smiled a knowing look in her eyes "A boy?"

My eyes widened as I turned red " Yes, but not like that... we are just friends", how could she think such a thing.

" ok darling, what ever you say" She said, amusement dancing in her blue eyes. "Have fun!" then she  waved and walked away, leaving me frozen. I shook my head annoyed, and went back to my toast.     

After breakfast, I went to my room and decided to draw for awhile.

•     •     •     •     •     •  

A few hours later I was reading once I finished drawing, I was getting impatient, why 5 o'clock why not 2? Finally it was 4:00, I put away my book and got ready, before hurring out my room locking the door and running down stairs. I got my bike and began my way to the Market.  

As I made it to the Market, I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was 4 : 45, well im early. Even if he did not say where to meet, I felt like I knew where, I felt my feet leading me to the flower area. I smiled remembering well when I met him here, when i decided to pause my search for my mother and help his helpless sorry butt. 

I ran my fingers over the beautyful varieties of flowers, you are probably wondering who is this mystery guy is? Well it was rude of me to not tell you and- suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me, one I could never forget. 


I turned and saw him..

The Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether

Enola  X Tewksbury - Together Always -Where stories live. Discover now