Chapter 6

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Elena was at her house. Heaven was sleep in her room when there was a knock at the door. Elena got up to go get it. She didn't know who it could be. She opened the door and there stood Kol. He walked past her."Why aren't you  and your siblings back in New Orleans." She closed the door and turned towards him waiting on an answer.

"Because I'm not leaving. You're not pushing me out." Kol smirked.

"You're picking a fight that I guarantee you will not win." Elena scolded. She didn't get him. She wanted him gone before he was fine with not being here but now it was a problem.

"I admit that I was wrong. I should have come back but I didn't know-how. Last time I saw you you were so mad at me. I didn't think you wanted me back." Kol said.

"Then what are you doing here how about leave again you're so good at it. Leave don't come back go spend time with your little whore and this thing you call a family. Y'all bring sadness and hurt and I will not put my little girl through that. She may act like she got everything handled but she is eight. She doesn't understand that there are people on this planet that want her dead because you're her father. Or because Klaus is her uncle. That any day I could possibly die and never come back. That her own uncle never wants to see her because not only did he kill her father but he hates her and he doesn't know her. That she is immortal and in 500 years one of her descendants will look exactly like me. Or how about this that there is a mystical dagger that can put you to sleep but you'll still be alive. That your side of the family has been alive for 1000 years."


"What its the truth she may try to get it but she's 8. She doesn't deserve this." Elena was furious she needed to calm down but she didn't want to. She wanted him to leave. She wanted to raise her daughter by herself like she already had been."She's been through so much already and y'all coming into town is making it worse."

"I get you hate me. And that I ruined your life. But I have a right to be here. I should have come back but I was scared I was gonna come back and you were going to hate me that I wasn't going to have a chance so then I didn't give myself one. I was scared that I was going to come back and I would have lost the best thing that I had." 

"You did that when you didn't come back. You broke me and I became what I feared. My best friend hated me. I lost everything. Damon and Stefan treated me like I was some whore. Tyler Matt Jeremy. All of them acted like I was just some whore who did it to piss everyone off. Caroline stood by my side Alaric Katherine I lost the people I would have risked my life over and over for. For one reason I loved you. Because I loved you my life went downhill. I was never the type to threaten or kill. Now I am and I can't stop. I do whatever I have to for her and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it."

He walked closer to her. She backed up not wanting to be close to him. She knew how she could be around him. She knew how easy it would be for her to fall and that's what she was afraid of. 


Elena woke up to knocking at her door. She flashed and changed and opened her door. To see her daughter."Mom, I have to go to school."

"I thought that Caroline was taking you," Elena asked,

"Josie and Lizzie have gotten a cold she said she texted you," Heaven said

"Well give me 5 minutes and I'll be ready," Elena said. She was planning out how to kill him in her head. She didn't like how easily he seduced her last night.


Elena had just dropped off Heaven at school. She was standing outside. She took out her phone and called Kol."Hello Darling."

"I am going to murder you in your sleep and dump ashes in the ocean. Meet me at the grill in five."


Rebekah looked at her brother."Where were you last night."

"Bekah when will you learn I don't trust you with my secrets." Kol winked and flashed off.

Rebekah got up to go find everyone else who was scattered. So she just shouted, "She's going to kill him in his sleep."

Everyone ran in including Davina who was still there even after they told her to leave."What?"

"Davina, why are you still here? No one wants you here because we don't like you and neither does he. He moved on from you, and it's time for you to do the same." Rebekah didn't get why she was still sticking around didn't she know that it was over between them. Rebekah knew that he was going to get Elena back in the long run and he was going to get his happily ever after she could feel it.

"What do you mean he moved on from me that is not possible," Davina said. She was sure that there was no way he could.

"Well, then I guess I'll tell you to. Don't say that I didn't warn you." Rebekah smirked. She knew that this was about to make Davina furious and that gave her the ultimate pleasure."Guess what our brother did after he chatted with Elena in the Cemetery."

"He didn't," Hayley asked. 

"He went to talk with Elena. He seduced her I know this cause she called him and told him I am going to murder you in your sleep and dump the ashes in the ocean meet me at the grill in 5. And when I asked him. He said he didn't trust me with his secrets winked and flashed off. How in the holy hell." Rebekah snapped.

"Have you met your brothers there uncanny ability to seduce a girl so easy gets me every time?" Hayley shook her head.


Elena was at the pool table setting up the rack. Kol walked in and went over to her. She turned and glared at him."You can't do that."

"I didn't hear any complaints," Kol smirked.

"So let me guess y'all are staying in town." Elena clicked her tongue and grabbed a pool stick. She waved over to the bar for shots."Why?"

"I want to know her. I want to give us a chance." Kol said.

"I'm Mayor things are different. She is the town's wild child. I worked my ass off to get to where I am. If your set on staying fine whatever. But you can't do that. Seduce me to get your way that is  not fair."

The waiter came over with shots. Elena handed him a fifty."Here you go, miss."

"Thank you." She set the shots down on a nearby stool."Get a stick your breaking."

He smirked and grabbed a stick. He took the white ball and broke getting none in."I wanna chance."

She went and took a shot drowning it then went to the white ball and shot in the striped 9."Define Chance?" She didn't know if they could do that again. But she was willing to if he insisted on staying in town. She wouldn't lie she had missed him but things were different now.

She went to shoot the striped 15 as he begins to talk." I want another chance. I want to be in her life I want another chance with you." 

She missed her shot and looked at him."Things are different now. Maybe you and I aren't meant for each other and it's just that. I'm mayor I'm a mother I have different responsibilities now. I may look like a teenager but I am not. I'm an adult with an 8-year-old. What if we try and we don't work out. You know how much that will hurt her."

He went and shot the solid one getting it into the corner pocket. He knew that she was right. It would hurt heaven if they tried and then they didn't work out in the end. But he wanted to give it another chance. He went and took a shot."Your right."

"I am willing to give you a chance and if you are set on sticking around then you can be around her. But if you're so set on having another chance with me.  We can't tell her until we know it'll actually work." Elena sighed. She wouldn't do that to Heaven. She wouldn't let her think that there was a possibility of her parents getting back together and everything failing.

"Darling it wouldn't be the first time we two snuck around together."

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