Ayano approaches him and goes into the shade of the cherry blossom tree as well, Budo does not acknowledge her presence.

"What is wrong with you?" Ayano finally speaks looking at him straight in the eyes.

"......" Budo averts his eyes as all he could see or imagine was the disturbing red all over her along with the gaping hole in her chest.

"Is it about the nightmare you had this morning...you know that's not real right?"

If only she knew what he was feeling right now. He was honestly scared even if it was a silly dream he couldn't help but feel that dream was a glimpse into the future. He couldn't shake that dreadful feeling of having her throbbing heart sitting on the palm of his hand. But what scared him the most was that he could still feel this tight coiling pain around his neck.

"....." Ayano was silent upon not receiving an answer she was about to say something when Budo grabs her shoulder she looks up to see him leaning closer to her.

It was not even a day but Budo felt lonely without her presence he wasn't even sure how he even tolerated it when he wasn't that close with her before but he knew what had to be done.

"Ayano...please stay away from me." He breathed into her ear.


"Don't come near me again." He moves his face away from hers.

"Eh...!?" Before she could utter another word Budo releases her shoulders and started to walk away.

Ayano filled with sudden rage grabs Budo by the collar and turns him around. "What are you talking about!? What's going on !?" she demanded, Ayano was ultimately confused by this she needed to know what was bothering him but yet again Budo was silent, he brushes her off and leaves Ayano.

"I thought we were friends." Ayano says softly before Budo leaves. He pauses for a brief second and turns to her slightly.

"We can't be...anymore." He turns away and goes back into the school building leaving Ayano under the cherry blossom tree alone. She stood there in complete silence trying to register what had just happened.

"..........Hehe...." Ayano covers half of her face with one hand. "Heheh...HAHAHA...What was I thinking...us.. friends?" She holds herself and laughs her lungs out as cherry blossom petals flutter away from her.

"How could I be so stupid...?"


Budo silently goes to his locker and dials in the combination, he seem to be the only one in the locker room right now and he didn't mind it. He was angry, angry at himself, he yanks open the locker and grabs his lunch from it. He then pushes some books aside for later classes and slams the locker shut. He leans his head on the locker and sighs to himself.

From afar a female delinquent watches him, delinquents rarely went into the school building but this time it was exceptional. She was the same delinquent with the pipe and blue streak in her raven hair. Her eyes were narrowed at him and she clenches her hands into a fist letting her other hand grip onto her knife. She was about to approach him when one of the male delinquents accompanying her yanks her back.

"Are you fucking stupid? That guy isn't normal." He hisses in her ear, currently he had bandages covering his body from head to toe and his icy blue eyes had thick scratches all around it.

"Don't get in my way! He killed a majority of our members he deserves to meet the end of my blade." The female delinquent says brandishing her gleaming knife. She attempts to go after him when the male delinquent grabs her and throws her onto the ground. "Hey!!!"

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