12. Sirius Black

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"You risked your life for me... at the lake, your howl. That was risky" Spencer replied as she sat on a nearby chair. "No one knows your an animagus, right? That's how you escaped."

She moved it towards the end of the couch, where his feet were.

"Yeah, that was a dumb decision. I had to run away quickly" he replied.

"Thank you" Spencer said while smiling at him.

"You told me I couldn't kill you so..." Sirius shrugged.

She laughed, laughed at her laugh.

"You're a funny one aren't you" Spencer said once she stopped laughed.

"Very much so" he replied as he laid back down on the couch.

There were a couple moments of silence, this gave Spencer some time to study him.

In the months that she had spent with him as a dog, she saw him gain weight. It looked like he was starving and now he looks... better.

Healthy almost.

Still dirty but, what could he do about it.

Quickly she was broken out of her thoughts as Sirius asked a question.

"Why aren't you running to tell Dumbledore... any sane person would."

Spencer thought of a reply, "I'm not sane."

"Of course, you're not... you like your professor" he said while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Shut up" she said as she pushed his arm.

He laughed.

"I'm not telling Dumbledore because for some reason I trust yo Spencer admitted.

She saw the relief wash through his body.

"You don't know anything about me" Sirius said still looking at the ceiling.

"Maybe I don't know anything about you, but I know Black. He's sweet, trusting, and deserving of love. Meaning you are too. I'm following my gut" Spencer replied.

"You have a stupid gut" he said laughingly.

"I also know you're here for a reason" Spencer said while moving towards the kitchen, turning on the faucet and giving it a source of water.

One thing about wizards? They'll always have fire and water available with a wand

She configured her bracelet to a glass and poured herself some water.

"Which is?" Sirius said almost screamingly since he thought she wouldn't be able to hear him.

"Dude do you realize how small this place is... I could hear you from anywhere in here" Spencer said walking into the living room again and sitting down.

"Your godson... Harry" she said and then took a sip of her water.

This made Sirius sit up,

"How did you know?" he asked.

"I have my connections" she said "well... are you? here for Harry?" she asked.

"Yeah" he replied while staring at the floor.

"He thinks you killed his parents you know" Spencer said.

He sighed, "who doesn't."

"You said you weren't the bad guy... tell me" Spencer said.

"Not yet, I'm still figuring out a plan" Sirius said while looking up at her. "but you have to believe me, Spence... I didn't give you know who James and Lily's location" Sirius said almost pleadingly.

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