Chapter 8

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Sorry, I didn't really have the motivation the write... 

But FINALLY, I'm here with another chapter yayyy!

Don't forget to vote and comment 

ily y'all <333

Harry/Marcel's POV 

My eyes flickered through the open notebook in front of me while our Physics teacher talked about Electricity and stuff which I didn't give any fucks about right now.

The only thing in my head was a certain blue-eyed boy.

I still couldn't get my head around what happened on Thursday night. The Louis Tomlinson who I  had a crush on was inside my house. He was there with his mother and 4 sisters. I didn't even know he had sisters. I think most people didn't know that or anything about his personal life. 

I actually was still shocked and surprised by the situation. When I first saw him I panicked and ran back into the room. I didn't know he was coming so I just wore what I would usually wear.

I see that it was a mistake now.

He only knew me with my nerdy clothes and gelled back hair. Thank god for wearing a beanie. He would definitely found out if he saw my famous curls. ,

And extra points for me for wearing those big nerdy glasses. 

I say the whole dinner was awkward and uncomfortable but how could I not be. The thing that was weirdest to me is him being nice to me? what? 

I wasn't sure he actually knew me but he actually apologized for being a jerk and bullying me. Did I say my heart stopped when those words came out of his mouth? 

I know I shouldn't have accepted his apology but how could I not he was being so nice and cute and adora-

"Marcel!" someone shouted waving his hand in front of me. I quickly whipped my head up and saw Niall looking at me. 

"Oh sorry mate, I didn't see you there," I said. I didn't even realize he was here. When did he come?

"I was calling your name but you were gazed off". I guess I was really deep in thought because then I realized that the class was ended and nearly everyone has left.

"Hey come onnnn!" Niall said. "I'm starving and If you don't come with me right now I won't hesitate to eat your lunch too" he grinned.

I groaned and got up from my seat which I've gotten used to sitting on. I grabbed my books and placed them in my bag. I swung the backpack on my shoulder and with that, we headed out of the classroom. 

I was walking but Niall was hopping more like. He was very eager for lunch like he usually is.

He started talking excitedly about his favorite Marvel movie. He was overexcited in my opinion.

While Niall was talking my eyes drifted off to the hallway. There were students passing through or talking to their friends but mostly everyone was headed towards lunch. My eyes drifted off to a feathery-haired boy that I liked very much.

He was leaning against his locker talking to Asthon, Luke, and Zayn. I wanted to roam my eyes off from their direction because If Zayn caught sight of me I knew he wouldn't let go easily. 

Especially not after the 'incident'. Which I still don't want to think about.

But that didn't put me off of admiring the beautiful boy leaning against his lockers. He was wearing a plain white shirt that hugged his torso in every right place. He had his usual black jeans on but he still looked amazing. Those jeans complimented his thighs and his beautiful round ass perfectly. 

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