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Saturn Cameron has worked hard her entire life, she pushed herself in school and on the volleyball court

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Saturn Cameron has worked hard her entire life, she pushed herself in school and on the volleyball court. She excelled in everything she tried but no matter how many trophies or awards she won she could never compare to her twin that didn't even have to try she was just simply praised for everything she did. 

When Saturn was younger she didn't let things like that get to her, instead she pushed herself even harder. She pushed her body and mind to the limits to try and get any form of affection or attention from her family but she always fell short. It wasn't that her family was down right rude to her and told her that she would never be good enough, instead it was that they simply didn't notice how hard she worked.

They were so focused on Sarah that anything Saturn had done was a second thought, and it effected the young girl deeply. She soon started to let it weigh down on her mind and her heart, she struggled with depression and anxiety at the young age of 13, at first her father had thought it was a plea for attention, but it was way past that point, it was a plea for help.

She soon lost interest in all the things she loved to do and stayed in bed any moment she wasn't in school. Saturn had soon after lost motivation to do her school work and her grades started to slip, which of course was the only thing her parents had noticed, which resulted in Ward grounding the blonde. He had no idea that it didn't bother her one bit because she wasn't planning on going anywheres either way. 

Saturn Cameron soon became a shell of a once young bright and strong young girl. Her happiness had faded until she felt nothing at all. She spent the summer curled up in her room reading to pass the time until even that became too much. She felt exhausted all the time even though she had absolutely no reason to be. Ward, of course wrote it off as laziness and forced his daughter to leave the house for 3 hours a day, he didn't care what she did or where she went as long as she left. 

So 13 year old Saturn Cameron would run, she'd run until she couldn't move anymore. She'd run the entire island until it was safe for her to come back home, for her the running was a way for her to turn her emotional torment into a physical pain. She soon started to loose a great deal of weight that resulted in Ward Cameron trying to shove food down her throat, that left and ever lasting unhealthy relationship with the girl and food. 

Saturn didn't hate her body, it was one of the only things she had liked about herself but she didn't have the motivation to take care of it. And soon Saturn started sneaking back into her house after Ward made her leave and crawled into bed for the rest of the day. 

Saturn fell into such a dark place she had tried to take her own life. Rafe remembered walking into his sister's room to see her collapsed on the floor surrounded by empty pill bottles like it was yesterday. 

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