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Surprisingly my aunt had nothing against me staying over at Nate's. She was thankful to have the house for herself again I think.

So we drove to Nate's apartment right away.

"Do you have all your stuff?"

I nodded and closed the old, red car door.
After I had walked around the car to get to Nate, he took my hand in his again.

We waited for the elevator and he pulled me closer to him, his arm around my waist. It was as if he wanted to hold onto me for dear life.

As if he thought I could disappear any second.

The doors of the elevator opened and we walked in. It was a really tiny cabin and I was scared of it every time.

Just as the doors closed Nate began to place sweet kisses on my neck and face.

"Nothing will happen. You know that." I turned around to look at him and nodded.

I don't know what came over me but I layed my hands around his neck and pressed my lips against his longingly.

Nat responded instandly and pressed me against the elevator wall. His left hand went to the back of my head and his right thumb caressed my hip.

As his tongue entered my mouth I let go a little moan. It turned him on even more and I felt his member against my stomach.

Nate literally towered over me, which made me feel both, safe and a little captivated.

His hands went down to my butt and he picked me up. I slung my legs around his waist and my hands pulled at his hair.

He groaned and now one hand held me above the ground while the other one pulled my stomach flush against his.

I could have went on forever but the elevator doors opened. We had reached the last floor.

But instead of letting me down Nate walked out of the elevator and held me up with one arm, while the other one opened his door.

I didn't really mind. It was pretty comfortable up here.

The door opened and Nate walked in with me. He sat me down on his shoe cabinet, which stood next to the entrance and pulled off my shoes. Now I started protesting.

"Nate, I can do that on my own!" He snorted indignant and looked up at me.

"Let me do it." There was something about his eyes that had me shut up. But what was it?

As he pulled off my shoes he placed them neatly into the shoe cabinet and then tossed his own ones in there. His change of attitude when it came to our shoes had me laughing.

"You really are something else." I told him and took his hand to intertwine it with my own.

Nate looked at me confused and blushed slightly but he didn't reply. I guess he was tired now.

"Ehm...do you want something to drink or are you hungry?" I shook my head, no.

"Could I get a tooth brush?"

"Yes, sure." He pulled at my hand and I hopped off the cabinet.

In the bathroom he let go of my hand to open the drawer and search for said item.

"There you go, rakas." My heart skipped a beat.

How did Nate know the finnish word for "dear"? I smiled at him as I heard my native language and kissed his cheek.

"My höppänä." I giggled by his confused expression.

"What does that mean?" He asked curiously.

"It means fool. But in a cute way." I giggled some more to his irritation.

Some time later we went to sleep. I had gotten one of Nate's shirts to sleep in. It was like a dress on me.

"You look cute in my shirt." Nate had sneaked up behind me once again and slung his arms around my waist.

As I turned around to look at him his lips pressed onto my own. "You've become pretty affectionate all of a sudden." I grinned up at him. His blush was worth that comment. "Could be." He murmured and gave me a peck.

I hugged him and turned my head so it was laying on his chest. His heart beat fast and loud against my ear.

He put his chin on my head and stood there just hugging for at least five minutes.

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