Chapter #5 (Real Freaky Nightmare)

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I woke to the sound of shattering glass in my ear. I thought I was only imagining something to fill the blank silence in my dreams, but I knew it was real when tiny pieces the stained glass window landed in my hair. I rolled my body over sluggish so I was facing the window and Dipper.

My eyes went wide and I dropped my tiger stuffed animal to the floor in shock. I almost screamed but placed both hands over my mouth to muffle the sound and stop myself. Without moving I darted my eyes around the room in search of something to attack the assailant with.

While looking for my weapon I took in small pieces of physical information from the specimen, hoping to find something to help me beat him in a battle.

First I noticed his stance. Even crouching on Dipper's body it was big with wide stone like shoulders, covered in moss. The weight of his massive shoulders left the monster in a slouch. The tree trunks it had for arms lead to colossal hands with razor sharp talons extending from each of the four sausage like fingers. Then there was the lower portion of the being, with smaller structure but just as beefy and muscular. Next I examined the face. It had big broad eyes glowing a crimson red color and it appeared to stared into Dipper's. Now Dipper's amazing one of a kind eyes glowed a sickly pale yellow that lit up the darkness.

All my attention was now faced on Dipper. Everything else in the room was non existent. I search his body for physical damage but there was none. Even as he was encased in the monster's hands there was no harm to him. Yet his face was contorted and twisted in pain with his mouth gaping open as if he was lost in a silent scream.

Finally I couldn't take the pain of watching him suffer. Fury filled me and I grabbed the only available weapon, a miniature golf club. As I boiled over the top I raised it in my hands and charged. I swiftly swung it onto the creature's back thus distracting him from Dipper.

Immediately he removed his grasp of the boy and growled glaring at me. His eyes now converting to the same yellow Dipper's were.

I again whacked the monster this time hitting his shoulder which did practically nothing due to the armor like roughness on it. He moved closer. Slow steps towards me. Repeatedly I hit him, each blow doing minimal to no damage.

After several minutes of anticipation, the monster lurked over me. I took a deep gulp and the thing picked me up in his hands and bashed me against the wall several times, but I didn't feel the pain I was still focused on Dipper. I look over the creatures shoulder and catch a glimpse of him lying motionless on his bed.

I am brought back to the problem at hand when I feel sharp agony in several different parts of both of my arms. I glare at the hideous creature a squirm only causing his claws to dig deeper into my skin. I swear as he does this I see a slight smile crawl upon his face. That being the last straw.

Despite the torment, I rip the arm, still grasping the golf club, and gab it into is eye. Thick blood splatters on my face and he throws me across the room at the wall with a broken window. I slam against it hard and I begin to fade away but fight with myself to stay conscious. I need to to insure Dipper's safety.

The monster holds the gulf club wedged in his eye and tries to get it out. It won't budge. So he holds his wounded eye and smashes throughout the window again this time crying in pain. With his disappearance into the night, I rush to Dipper.

I stroke his hair out of his face and look at his unharmed body. I sit on his stomach facing him, one leg on each side of his body and shake him. Although it causes unbearable painful spasms in my arms, I need him to wake up to know he's okay. He has to wake up. HE HAS TO. If he doesn't I wouldn't be able to live. I need him to survive.


I wake up to Mabel straddling me. She's violently shaking me and when I sit up states at me.

"Mabel?...." the world barely bounces of my lips before Mabel tightly wraps her arms around my neck. I return the action and wrap my arms around her waist when she whinces. Instantly I let go and I see all the blood.

I see the splatters on her face and then the streams of it soaking the sleeves of her sweater.

She looks at me and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Really? You're asking me that? I'm not the one gushing blood right now!" I look at her in awe, my words coming out harsher than I planned but still the worry notable.

I grip her arms and pull them towards me, which probably wasn't the best idea.

"Ow..." She moans in a whisper.

"Sorry." I reply bluntly. I'm more concerned with her wounds.

She pulls away from me and scurried out of the room. Each step she limps creates a new amount of pain for her. She comes back with the familiar pristine white first aid kit. She gently hands it to me and takes off her sweater.

I can't help but gape at the sight. She's wearing I tight tank-top exposing all her perfect curves with the exception of big blue bruises crawling over her left shoulder and down her back. She sits in front of me and sniffles. I begin to tend to her wounds.

Several deep wholes lined her arms. Tentatively and swiftly I cover them. Next I use a wet gaw to wipe away the dried blood on her face. She lifts her shirt slightly allowing me to see all the bruises left.

As I feel around her stomach for broken ribs she shutters and a single tear rolls down her cheek. I push a piece of hair behind her ear then slide it down to hold her face. She gives a weary smile. She then falls into my arms again unconscious.

I go to put the box back and she grips me tighter and sleepily whispers "Don't leave me." I do as she asks and put my arm around her, ever so slightly stroking her hair. And we remain this way for two days.

Gravity Falls, Falls in Love( Dipper x Mabel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt