Chapter #14 (Slushies Gone Sour)

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It was a wonder how this establishment went under, with the wide array of options it offered to any stranded passerby, wondering nomad, or lost soul. The small single level gas station had endless aisles, lined to the brim with snacks, junk food, and candy alike. They were even fully stocked with the now banned and disgraced Smile Dip, a sure to be Mabel favorite. Along the left most wall was a slushy machine with the largest variety of flavors I'd ever seen, accompanied with several freezers of ice and frozen delicacies beside it. In the far right corner there was even a dancing game, which now buzzed to life and belted a cacophony of ballads from the past.
How long had this place been here?
How long had it sat alone, rusting and decaying with no hope of redemption? And why?
And how was it still so intact on the interior, while the outside was practically rubble; a dream of what could have been on the inside and a fun reminder of what it was on the exterior.
As the small group disbanded, meandering about the store on their own paths of discovery and adventure, I found myself at a loss of where to even begin. So I did what every teenage boy would do and tried to find the prettiest girl in the room. Haphazardly I ended up following absent minded footsteps towards Mabel.
She was seated on the floor beside a display case of, as predicted, Smile Dip.
"Dipper! I thought they banded this in America!" She howled with astonishment and excitement.
"Yeah probably for good reason. You should be care-"
It was too late, as she had already ripped the first packet open with her teeth. The first of many I guessed.
I just laughed and left her alone with her snack of choice, following Nate and Lee's cheers from the slushy machine.
"Dude they have sour flavors!" One part of the duo shouted over the rattling of the machine.
"Damn this place has everything!" The other completed the thought.
This place DID have everything.
So why did it get shut-
"Thompson. Thompson! THOMPSON! THOMPSON!"
My thought was short lived as the remainder of the group circled Thomson on the dance machine. The husky teen was attempting to beat the highscore on the device through awkward and speratic movements that would get him no where fast. Even Tambry and Robbie removed themselves from their phone and pity party to watch the display.
Wendy had slipped away undetected only to return with a full frontal attack with cheese in a can. Eventually everyone, including Mabel took a break from their activities to join the officially waged good fight that had begun.
I stalked up on several liter bottles of Pit Cola and other famous off brand sodas popular in Gravity Falls and found my way to the top of the shelving units in the middle of the store. Equipped with mints in hand and a hearty shake, I took for cover as the sodas exploded, raining down sugary goodness on all those below. With the fight put on pause, many of my combatants stuck their tongues out to enjoy the spray, which fizzled to a light drizzle before coming to an end.
The once dismal store had morphed into a safe heaven for the teens, a perfect world with no rules and snacks, engulfed in laughter and friendship. What more could a teenager want?
The war waged on Mabel grabbing whipped cream from the freezers and, back to back with Wendy, who still had cheese left in her can, attacked the others. I watched as Robbie dived behind the cashier counter closest to the front door. Then he screamed.
Following his unsightly show of horror with a calmer call to his friends, "Wo-oah, hey guys," he looked to the rest of the party, "you might want to take a look at this."
Similar to the crowd that followed Thompson on his venture to beat all the highscores, the teens circled the goth as their eyes fell upon the floor, and the tape.
"What the fu-" Nate started before Lee hit him upside the head.
"Dude language!" He warned before adding, "But seriously is this a joke?"
The rest of the group was rendered speechless, as the light hearted air that once enveloped the teens in this place collapsed and inverted becoming sinister in nature. The fun of the night took a nose dive fast.


The minute I stepped into the innocent mom and pop shop I knew something was... off.
While the air outside was warm and filled with twinges and hints of summer, upon my first step into the place the air just changed. Instead of a cool summer breeze and the stale air that I expected to find in the abandoned building, I was met with frigid, jutting spikes in the space. It was other worldly and the stale air carried the fresh stench of death. No one else was bothered by it though, or they hadn't noticed, or maybe I was the only one aware of it, but it was uncanny and incredibly uncomfortable.
I tried to laugh it off, ignoring the awkward presence that lingered around me, and the misformed shadows I witnessed dart between the freezers, but the tape on the floor confirmed it. People had died here.
Dipper never believed in the supernatural, but I always did, especially after all I've experienced here. Monsters, demonic little boys, strange feelings. It had to be real.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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