stutter | fillie

356 8 9

ages 16-17

in which finn has a stutter and bad grades and millie is his tutor

stupid, stupid, stupid

finn thought to himself as he pulled at his curls. he's been working on this one math question for about 15 minutes now and he still doesn't understand how to solve it. his tutor, millie, was running late today. at first, finn had been upset when his teacher told  him he needed a tutor. great, a speech therapist and now a tutor? but then he met millie and was over the moon to be paired with her. the moment he met her in the library, he was enamored with her. the time they spent together while tutoring only helped increase his growing infatuation with her.

they had become good friends. he thought she would hate to tutor the kid with the stutter and because she must've thought his stupidity was a pain in the ass. but millie didn't treat him any differently because of his stutter. when he'd trip over a word or have trouble completing a sentence, she'd just encourage him with a smile and kind eyes.

finn heard the library door open but didn't turn his head towards it. then, he felt a pair of hands around his eyes. 

"guess whoooo", millie giggled as she held the 'o' out.

"umm, e-emma wats-son?", finn joked as millie took her hands away from his face and gave out a breathless laugh.

"yeah right, i wish! anyways, what're you working on?"

"just a st-tupid m-math que-question.", finn sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

millie sat down across from him and looked over the table to help him. after their tutoring session ended, the both of them stood up and before they went their separate ways, millie did something that caught finn off guard.

"hey, you're doing great! don't worry, you'll pass this next test.", she said with a warm smile.

"th-thanks m-millie!", finn stuttered out, cursing himself out inwardly for not being able to even say her name without stuttering.

they were only a couple inches apart, their chests almost touching. finn looked down at millie as she smiled at him for a couple seconds before going on her tippy toes and reaching up with her lips to peck him on the cheek. she returned to normally standing on her feet and smiled at finn before turning away and ran to her car. finn stared at her retreating figure until she was out of sight. there he stood outside the library standing at the top of the stairs like an idiot. his brain didn't even have time to comprehend what was going on until she left. finn then lifted his hand to his face and caressed the cheek she kissed. he had a lovesick smile on his face and after looking around to make sure nobody would see him, he did a little happy dance then skipped happily to his car. 

while he was celebrating, millie was driving away but was still close enough to see him do his little dance. she smiled happily and let out a giddy scream and laughed loudly to herself. i can't believe i did it! millie had been wanting to do that ever since she first locked eyes with him. she never stopped smiling, even when she got home.

time skip (a week later) cuz im lazy

it was now another tutoring session, but finn wanted to make today special. his feelings for his tutor had only been growing faster and faster. he wanted to finally let her know, the only reason he hasn't yet is because he's afraid of rejection. but, his brother gave him a speech about how you'll never know what could've been if you never try. so, he decided today is the day.

him and millie had just finished their tutoring session and finn was afraid he was running out of time. he was standing next to her as she put away some of her books in her locker.

"hey m-mills? c-can i te-ell you someth-thing?"

"yeah sure, what's up finn?", she said while shutting her locker and turning to him.

"ok w-well h-here we g-go. l-look, i kn-know it must h-have been-n really-y h-hard to work w-with m-me b-but i just need-ded t-to get th-this off my ch-chest. i r-realy really l-like you. n-no, i-i th-think i l-love you.", finn muttered as he tried to hide the embarrassment in his face when he couldn't stop stuttering.

millie just stared at him with shocked eyes and an agape mouth. oh no, this was a mistake. he was about to just make a run for it but millie started speaking before he could.

"w-well that's good because i r-really like you t-too.", millie stuttered nervously. she cursed to herself under her breath before looking back up at him.

"y-you do?", finn breathed out with a hopeful tone.

"of c-course", she smiled widely at him.

"h-hey, i th-thought i was the o-one with the st-stutter.", finn teased her for her nervous stuttering.

"oh shut up", she smirked before grabbing the collar of his shirt and smashing her lips on his.

sorry this was so short ! i didn't really know how to end this so sorry about that too but i hope you enjoyed :) 

stupid for u, oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora