Lies [Chapter Fourteen]

Start from the beginning

"Hello! Sorry for the delay- I didn't hear my door at first!" Philza quickly explained as he opened the door to the two people he really would rather not see. The women looked impatient with crossed arms and a tapping foot, while the man just looked pissed with his bushy eyebrows drawn together and a scowl on his face. They looked like the very definition of Karens, thinking they were the most powerful and that they could do anything as long as they whined at it.

"Took you long enough." The women growled as she stepped past Philza and into his warmed house. He could hear her footsteps on the carpet, and the thought of tripping her passed through his mind. Meanwhile, the man stepped in and pushed Philza aside so he could follow the women. Philza bit back a shout at him as he closed the door behind them, making sure he didn't lock it. He turned and followed them into the hallways, chewing on the side of his cheek. He swore his heart was beating loud enough for them to hear, yet they didn't make any indication that they could.

"Where are they?" Demanded the man in a deep voice, who turned to shoot glares at Philza as if he killed his family's pet dog that morning and used it as a Christmas tree topper. It sent chills down his back, but Philza just straightened up as to not show it. After all, if this man did attack him, then Philza can just sue him and buy Wilbur and Techno a shiny new toy. However, he quickly remembered that he had to put on an act so he looked away, his smile fading. He let out a sigh of worry and shame, refusing to look at the social workers.

"They... I have no idea. They were just here yesterday. They must have overheard our call and ended up running off sometime last night and-" Philza began, lying as smoothly as possible. There was slight tremble in his words as his voice betrayed the fear he was feeling. The struggle to stay in character and to not mess up. Sweat began to collect on the back of his neck and he felt his thump pick at one of his nails.

"You mean to tell me... THEY JUST LEFT!?" The women shouted at Philza, stepping forward to snarl at him and to cut off his lie. There was a look of fire in her brown eyes, and she seemed ready to tackle Philza right then and there. She reminded Philza of a snake, furious that someone dared to step on it's tail. The man also took a step forward, and Philza couldn't tell if it was to hold his partner back or to attack Philza as well. Either way, he tensed up and glanced around for anything he could use to defend himself in the hallway. ...The knives in the kitchen were still an option. 

"You knew we were coming for them, so why didn't you keep an eye on them?" pushed the man, to which Philza could see his face growing red and purple from the rage cycling through him. Philza gulped and just tried to give them an innocent smile. After all, how could he have stopped them if he had been asleep? Surely they would understand that. He got ready to give another reply- a lie- but before he could even open his mouth, he was interrupted. 

"If they aren't here, then you wouldn't mind us taking a look around then!" Snapped the women as she spun around and began to climb the stairs two steps at a time. She hadn't even waited for Philza's response before she was already up the stairs, probably already sniffing around Philza's bedroom. The man- being the chad he is- followed her and started to climb up the stairs three steps at a time. Philza listened as their footsteps began to creak the floorboards upstairs, moving around and making noise. 

He let out a frustrated sigh and he glanced up the stairs, just to make sure they were truly gone. A strong and cold gush of wind blowing on him alerted him to the back door that was still painfully opened. Philza, being as quiet as possible, rushed over to the glass door and he slid it shut. As he was shutting it, the image of the Oreos spread across the table in the living room flashed into his head and he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. 

"Damn those Oreos-" He sighed under his breath, feeling a sharp spike of panic in his chest. He didn't breath as he turned his feet back into the hallway. He nearly jogged, his feet light on the flooring, back into the Livingroom to hide the evidence that they were just there.

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