"You sure? There isn't anything else you are thinking about? Or someone?".

Luke sighed annoyed. "Okay, spill it. What do you really wanna say?".

"You know when you said that you have chemistry with everyone you sing with, including me and Alex. But it is different with Julie, and you know that, we all know that... but yesterday, something like that happen again.".

"Something like what?".

"You and Violet did not take your eyes of each other during the whole song, and maybe it was because it was a duet between you two.".

"You think I like Violet?".

"Honestly, what's not to like?".

"We have just started to get to know each other, but I know one thing for sure when it comes to her.".

"What's that?".

"Violet is not Julie.", he stated.

Reggie nodded before looking down at his guitar, and Alex appeared looking at them.

"Hey, how did it go with Violet and Wille?", Luke asked as he looked at Alex, and Reggie looked at Luke before turning his attention to Alex.

"It went well, we three had a great time. I got to know a lot about them both, especially about their friendship.".

"Great, I'm glad it worked out.".

"Hey, where is Julie?".

"She said she would have time for us all day, but she haven't arrived yet.", Reggie said. "I hope she's okay.".

Julie came into the garage and looked at the guys, Reggie sighed relived at her. Luke looked at her and smiled softly, she smiled back. "Hey, so sorry I made you wait. I just told Carlos about you.".

"You did what now? Without telling us?", Alex asked upset.

"It's fine, he said he wouldn't tell anyone and he wouldn't lie to me, plus he likes you guys... from the very first start, he was onto you being ghosts.".

"Hmm, I wonder why that is.", Alex said sarcastically while looking at Reggie.

"He found a cd cover of you as Sunset Curve, and figured the whole thing out. I couldn't lie to him, so I told him.".

"Well, as long as he doesn't tell your father or your aunt, I guess that's okay.", Luke said. "Should we start the rehearsal? You said you had a song for us.".

"Yeah, here.", she said and gave them her songbook, Luke grabbed it and read the lyrics of a song together with Alex and Reggie.

Willie and Violet were walking at the streets of Hollywood together. "Okay, now when we are alone, there is something I should tell you.", he said.

"Is something wrong?".

"I believe so.", he nodded. "It's about your uncle.".

"Caleb? What's up with him? Is he here too?".

"Yes, and have been for a while. I knew he was your uncle when I mentioned you in front of him, and he told me that you were his niece. His powers is still in him, and he have done some really bad things, especially to the guys. And now he's gone.".

"What do you mean with gone?".

"I mean that he haven't been seen since like a week, when the band played at the orpheum, Caleb wanted them so much to be a part of his house band. He owns a ghost club called Hollywood Ghost Club.".

Julie And The Phantoms - season 2Where stories live. Discover now