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I woke up to a snoring pansy, ugh I groaned to myself while getting up I could see that the other two girls where also woken up by her load snoring. I got up,then got ready for my first day of class I was exiting.

I walked out of the girls dormitory, to the common room, to see Draco already there sitting on the coach, it was still early so I sat at the opposite end of the coach he was in. "Why are you up so early" he asked with a bitter look on his face "párkinson snores" I said while looking into the fire. We stayed silent for a moment "we should get going what do you have first" he asked breaking the silence "Transfiguration" I said while getting up "me to" he said doing the same. We walked out of the common room walking to the great hall for breakfast after breakfast we walked to the transfiguration classroom. We where half way there when I released Harry was no where to be found "where's Potter" I asked Draco "still sleeping probably he stayed up all night looking out the window" he stated "weird" I said Draco nodded.

We got to the classroom, it was a huge classroom with three sets of rows, Draco and I decided to sit in the first desk of the middle row, once everyone sat at there desk well everyone except Harry he was still not here, Mcgonagall spoke "copy what's on the board" she said then turned into a cat, "amazing" I whispered under my breath, then I felt someone kick my leg "ow, what was that for" I said whispering to Malfoy " shhh Lestrange i don't wanna hear you're annoying voice anymore you're gonna get us in trouble" he said taking out his paper and quill and began writing, I rolled my eyes and did the same.

About 10 minutes into class the door opens, we all turn around and saw Harry and a red headed boy running In to class, red hair must be a Weasley I thought to myself , "we made it can you imagine the look on old mcgonagalls face if we where late" the Weasley boy said. Then mcgonagall turned herself back Into a human, the boys had a scared and surprised look on there face "that was bloody brilliant" the red head spoke again, i shook my head at his stupidity and went back to work " thank you for that mr.Weasley perhaps you would be more useful if I where to transfigure mr.Potter and your self to a pocket watch so that at least one of you might be on time" she said the whole class giggled.
Transfiguration ended and Harry Draco and I where walking to the potions classroom " I still can't believe you talked to that blood traitor" Malfoy scoffed "blood traitor?" Harry question "there purebloods that associate themselves with mudbloods and half bloods" I said "but he's still a pureblood?" Harry questioned, malfoy laughed " yes but are kind shouldn't associate with there's" Malfoy said harry looked and me and I rolled my eyes "what where you doing with him anyways Harry"I asked "We were both Late and going the same way" he said Draco scoffed Harry then looked at me with worried eyes "don't listen to him, you can talk to Weasley but if you go around making friends with mudbloods where gonna have a problem" I say whispering to Harry he then nodded.

We got to the potions classroom , this class was dark and gloomy it had three long tables going to the side, with potion making supplies on top of the tables, we once again sat in the front i was in the middle while Draco was on my right while Harry was on my left. Everyone sat at there seats yet Snape was no where in sight, then the doors suddenly opened with a bang and Snape came walking in the classroom "there will be no foolish wand waving or silly behavior in this class, I also don't expect many of you to do well In this class" snape said I look over to see Harry writing down what he's saying "however for those of you select few that will do Excellent who have potion making in their blood" snape continues looking at Draco and I we smirk at his comments towards us "I can teach you many things like how to be which the mind, snare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame, and even put a stop to death" he states which made my smirk even bigger I have always wanted to be a healer so the death part really interested me. "Then again maybe some of you have come to hogwarts in possession of ability's which is so unvittable that you feel confortable enough to not Pay attention in my class" snape says eyeing Harry which was still writing down everything he said, I hit his shoulder with mine to tell him to pay attention. "Mr.Potter hogwarts new celebrity tell me what I would get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood" snape questions, Harry stays quit "pity apparently fame isn't everything " snape says rolling his eyes, snape seems to hate Harry I wonder why I thought to myself, "it makes a sleeping potion so strong people call it the draught of the living dead well why aren't you all writing this down" he says then everyone hurried to wright it down.
We where all in the great hall doing are homework from today's classes when there was an explosion we all looked up to see Seamus face covered in dirt and his hair was all ruffed " he's still trying to turn water into rum" I said rolling my eyes " I heard he managed to turn it into tea before it exploded" Draco said laughing i shook my head at the sight, while everyone was laughing.

Suddenly we heard chirping "mails here" I said exited to get a letter from my dad. All the owls came in dropping the letter and gift from everyone's parents my dads owl Leo came in and dropped of a letter from him and a copy of the daily profit " can I borrow this" Harry asked pointing at the daily profit, I frowned noticing that he didn't get anything then I nod my head then opened my fathers letter

Dear anette,
I'm not surprised, you where sorted into slytherin i told you you would have and when I'm i ever wrong. I'm so proud of you, I'm happy that you made friends with the Potter boy but maybe stay away from the malfoy boy you know he's trouble.

Anyways, get good grades and make me proud. I love you and miss you


"Hey look at this" Harry says while pointing to the paper "someone broke into gringotts" I whispered "that's weird that the vault hagrid and I went to" Harry says pointing the the fault number 713, we all looked at each other in suspicion.

After we finished up are last classes of the day we all walked to the slytherin common room "pureblood" Draco said the door opened, then we walked in and sat on the coach near the fire place. "There's flying classes tomorrow " I said pointing at the paper on top of the fire place " I'm amazing at flying my father taught me I'm gonna join the quidditch team next year" Draco said smirking "I have never been on a Broom before" Harry said Draco gasped in disbelief, I chuckled "don't worry I haven't either it's not " lady like" for girls to play quidditch" I said rolling my eyes "but I'm gonna force malfoy here to teach me and I'm sure I will make the team next year" I continued, malfoy scoffed "not likely I already spent to much time with you as it is" he rolled his eyes "rude, anyways we should get to bed we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow night weirdos " I say while walking up the girls dormitory "night " they said in unison.

I walked into my room to see the three girls already asleep, I get ready for bed. Then laid down on my bed. Thinking about everything that happened today in my first day at hogwarts, I couldn't wait to see how the rest of my time here was gonna be like then I closed my eyes at went to sleep.

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