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"Malfoy are you really never going to talk to harry again, stop acting like a baby" i said,we where on are way to professor Flitwick's classroom, days have gone by and Draco still hasn't talked to harry. "yeah malfoy its a bit childish" harry said from besides me "don't talk to me potter" draco spat, i looked at harry and we both rolled are eyes, then an idea came to me, i stopped in the middle of walking the two boys went on until they noticed i wasn't next to them anymore and looked back with confused looks. I had a big smile on my face "mental that one" draco said while walking to me "i thought you weren't talking to me" harry said with a smirk as the two boys stopped in front of me, draco's eyes widen as he realized he spoke to harry "i'm not i'm talking to myself" draco said "but your talking to me right now" harry said his smirk growing bigger, draco was practically turning red with anger "oh will you two stop it" i said hitting them with my book bag "look malfoy next year you and harry will try out for seeker and who ever makes it is the better quidditch player but right now there is nothing you can do about it so stop fighting ok?" i asked, draco rolled his eyes "fine, but don't expect me to cheer you on potter i will be cheering for slytherin not you" malfoy said while we started walking again "good enough for me" harry said.

we entered the classroom there where long desks in the sides of the room with feathers on them, in the middle was professor Flitwick he was standing on a bunch of books on a chair. We took are seats. "one of the best skills to have as a wizard is levitation or the ability to make objects fly uh do you all have your feathers good now don't forget the wrist movement we have been practicing the wish and flick everyone" Flitwick said while we all got are wands and started doing the movement. "good now say Wingardium Leviosa off you go then" Flitwick said "Wingardium Leviosa" i said nothing happened i huffed, i could see draco and harry weren't having much luck either "Wingardium Leviosa" i said again suddenly my feather goes flying up everyone's eyes where on me and i smirked "good jo-" Flitwick was cut off by another feather flying up, everyone's eyes went to granger " ahhh good job miss granger brilliant" my smile fell " don't worry there just surprise a stupid mudblood could do it" draco whispered besides me, i gave him a half smile, suddenly there was an explosion, Finnigan's feather was on fire and he was covered in black dust with his hair everywhere "i think where going to need another feather over there professor" Harry said . The whole class started to giggle.

**✿❀a few weeks later❀✿**

"i can't believe its already Halloween" i said we where walking out of the slytherin common room to go to the feast "yeah i know time fly's by so fast here" Harry said " it feels like a eternity with you two loser's " Draco says "oh shut it you absolutely adore us malfoy" i said nudging him "as if" draco says rolling his eyes, harry and i giggled , suddenly i have an urge to pee i see the girls bathroom is just down the hall "you guys go on without me i have to use the ladys room" i said they nodded.

while i was washing my hands i heard a large bang, then another then another, almost like footsteps, suddenly there was a troll walking inside the bathroom a big ugly green troll, i quickly went inside a restroom stall. The troll had a big bat like thing in which he swung it on to the stalls which they all cracked, all the wood came falling onto me i screamed, in that moment i was sure i was going to die. Suddenly, i hear the door open "ANETTE MOVE" harry screamed, i was in shock at what was happening but i started crawling, the troll swung his bat again at what remained of the stalls, more wood came falling on me, i turn around to see that harry and draco where both throwing wood pieces at the troll "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THROWING WOOD PIECES AT A TROLL" i screamed "DO YOU HAVE ANY BETTER IDEA'S LESTRANGE" draco said, i ignore him while i crawl to where the sinks are at, the troll notices and smashed one of the sinks, i scream again, i'm going to die, i'm going to die, i'm going to die, i think to myself. I look up and harry is now on top of the troll "what the" i say, the troll is trying to get harry off of him, harry then puts his wand up the trolls nose. "EW" draco says, the troll has harry by his foot now and he is swinging him around "DO SOMETHING" i tell draco which is just standing there "WHAT?" he says looking likes he gonna shit himself, his face suddenly lights up like if he has an idea he takes out his wand "Wingardium Leviosa" draco says the trolls bat suddenly floats, he smirks at me i roll my eyes, the bat suddenly falls down on the trolls head he drops harry and then falls down himself. "it better be dead" i say almost in tears "i don't think so but lets not take any chances" harry says while pulling out his wand from the trolls nose, we all cringe at its snot on Harry's wand.

Suddenly, all the teachers run in. professor Mcgonagall gasps "explain yourself's you two" she says pointing at Draco and Harry. "it not there fault professor i was in the bathroom when the troll came in if it wasn't for them i would probably be dead" i said making tears come out of my eyes, to try to get Mcgonagall to feel bad for me so she could let us go without trouble. "very well and you two not many first years can take on a troll and live to tell the tail five points will be awarded to each of you" Mcgonagall said, we all smiled. then we all walked out.

"what in the world just happened" i said stunned "i think we just saved you from a troll and you haven't even said thank you" draco said if he wasn't so stunned himself he would probably roll his eyes "thank you harry for saving my life" i said and smirked a little when i heard Draco groan "your welcome nett" harry said, he seemed fine like if we just went on a walk, not at all like if we just got attacked by a troll "holy that was such a gryffindor thing to do" i said in discussed "don't even say that" Draco cringed.

we all walked into the slytherin common room, it was empty. "i'm going to stay up a bit" i said while sitting down on a coach, harry yawned "i would stay with you but after what happened i need a years worth of sleep" harry said while walking up to the boys dorm, i expected draco to do the same but to my surprise he sits next to me "don't look so surprised lestrange i don't think i could fall asleep after the day we had" he said while i nodded. there was an uncomfortable silents until i broke it "thanks for saving me, it was a very gryffindor thing to do tho and i would have probably not done the same if the rolls where switched " i lied i would have done the same for him but i was never going to tell him that, he looked at me and cringed "stop saying that i regret it now should have let you and Potter get eaten by a troll i would have been the happiest boy in the world with out you two annoying butt's following me around everyday" he said,I rolled my eyes "oh be quit we don't follow you around you follow us around" i said "do not" he said "do to" i said, there was another silents "my father sent me a letter he wasn't very happy about the news" he said, i looked at him he was looking at the fire "new's?" i asked "harry being seeker" he says "ah, don't you wanna maybe try another position?" i asked, he scoffed "no seeker is the one who gets all the glory, its the only position for me" he said "alright then we will just see what happens next year" i said " harry's got nothing on me" he says " what ever you say draco" i say "draco, you consider us friends ?" he said "oh shut up" i said getting up "where are you going"he said " to the forbidden forest malfoy where does it look like i'm going" i said walking up the stairs to the girls dorm " no , i stayed up with you get back down here your gonna wait untill i want to go to sleep" draco said "HUH WHAT CAN'T HERE YOU" i said "LESTRANGE" was the last thing i heard, before i closed the door to my dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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