While she looked for her left shoe Remus went to his table and sat down, looking at her getting her stuff.

She walked toward the door, hand already on the handle, when Remus spoke again.


She turned around angrily, "what" she yelled at him.

"Your wand" he pointed at it.

She rolled her eyes and snatched her wand back.

She looked him in the eye, "Goodbye Professor."

She walked out of his room and slammed the door shut.

Remus raised both of his shoulders at the loud noise that came from his own door.

"Fuck" he said to himself as he moved to stare at the ceiling.

As Spencer walked to her room she insulted herself in her heads

How could you be so stupid?

God, you're a fucking dumbass

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" she said out loud.


The morning after not only did Spencer feel like shit, because she was hungover, but because she cried herself to sleep the day before.

"If the situation wasn't complicated before, it is now" she thought to herself.

She turned around in her bed and faced the ceiling.

"Sunday" she said out loud.

She got out of bed and went to her bathroom.

She took a look in the mirror, puffy red eyes was all she could see.

Then she looked at what she was wearing.

His sweatshirt.

She took it off in disgust and placed it on the floor.

She showered and then to found comforting clothes.

However, she went back to the bathroom and picked his sweater back up.

It smelled like him, and no matter how angry she was... she still wanted to wear it.

She hung it up in her closet, "if he saw me wearing it he would think I'm not mad" Spencer told herself.

She sat down at the breakfast table and put some snacks for Black in her pocket.

She then grabbed a plate when suddenly someone decided to sit in front of her.

No matter what, she wasn't going to look up.

It was too early for it to be anyone she cared to look at, if anyone saw her eyes they would know something was wrong.

"Spencer, how are you doing today?" Snape asked.

"I'm fine" she replied, refusing to look at him as she was put eggs on her plate.

"Professor Lupin here told me-"

She then looked to his right to find Remus standing there.

Meretricious | Professor LupinWhere stories live. Discover now