Season 3 Ep 46: We're Being Watch

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Lopez: Hazlo más despacio. Lo vas a arruinar. [Tone it down. You're going to blow it.]

O'Malley: (yet again, more evil laughter)

Lopez: OK, ahora eso es demasiado. [OK, now that's just too much.]

In the distance, someone hides behind a pillar.

O'Malley: What was that? (turning away slowly) Hmm... (turning back quickly) Aha! Heh? (turning away) Hmm, a-ha! ...Minding my own business, slowly walking away and HAA, I got you! (turns around). ...Oh forget it.

Meanwhile with Red Team and SMG4 gang

Grif and Simmons were walking by the convenient skull

Sarge: Grif, Simmons, where've you two been?

Simmons: Our patrol didn't go exactly as planned, Sarge.

Sarge: Did you find something? Wait a minute, where's the jeep?

Grif: Yeeaah, it's like this.

Sarge: Grif... I just built that jeep, I don't want to hear that it's been destroyed.

Grif: Oh, well then maybe I should stop talking. Or you can stop listening.

Sarge: Grif!

Simmons: Nonono it's not destroyed Sarge, the engine just quit.

Sarge: And what exactly were you doing when the engine died?

Grif: Duh, getting the jeep outta the ditch.

Sarge: What was the jeep doing in a ditch?

Grif: Well I can tell you what it wasn't doing, and that's re-enacting the coolest scene from The Dukes of Hazzard ever.

SMG4: Come on I just quit doing the auditions here today for the movie.

Sarge: Rrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Grif: Simmons was driving.

Simmons: No I wasn't, I was holding the arrows and the dynamite!

Luigi: What again?

Cut to Red Team and SMG4 gang looking at the jeep.

Sarge: Wait a second, this thing isn't busted, it's outta gas.

Axol: Well, you know the problem.

Grif: It runs on gas?

Sarge: Of course not moron, where are we gonna get gasoline? I modified the fuel cells to utilize a form of cold fission, powered by solar energy.

Tari: That was kinda smart when you think about it.

Simmons: So then why is it dead, sir?

Sarge: You would have had to park it in the shade for at least two hours. What were you doing parked in the shade for two hours?

Grif: Well I can tell you what we weren't doing...

Sarge: Ah, forget it. Come on, help me push this thing in the sunlight. One, two, three!

Sarge and Simmons push the jeep, Grif faces the other way and doesn't help at all.

Simmons: Hurrrr...

Sarge: Hurrrrniaaa.

Grif: Hurr. Man this thing weighs a ton. Holy crap. Wowzers.

Simmons: Dumbass.

Grif: Oh right. Wait, where's Alex when we need him-

Alex: Hey guys.

Red Team: Aah!

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert Blood Gulch SagaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz