Wiccan Symbolism

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Wicca makes heavy use of symbols and symbolism in it's ritualsand practices.

+The Athame- The athame is a dull dagger or knife used to cut bonds of energy during rituals. It is symbolic of the masculine and never used to cut physical things, as such the blade is almost always dulled deliberately. The athame is also used as a symbol for air.

+ The Pentacle- The pentacle must be established as separate from a pentagram. A pentacle is a five pointed star within a circle with a single point of the star pointing up. A pentagram is the same symbol but inverted such that two points of the star are facing up. The pentacle is seen as a collection of elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, as well as a symbol of protection and identification. Many Wiccans as well as Pagans wear a pentacle. Pentacles are also considered a symbol for Earth.

* The Chalice- The chalice or cup is a feminine symbol, representing the womb of a female. The chalice and athame are often paired to represent a duality and a balance. The chalice is also a symbol for water.

+The Triquetra- The triquetra is often a symbol of a Celtic view of Wicca, consisting of several designs of different three cornered designs often inside a circle. The symbol is sometimes used to symbolize the three stages of woman (Maiden, Mother, and Crone) as well as something given to a lover, the three points promising to love, honor, and protect them. Other uses of the symbol are to represent things in triplicate, often gods or goddesses.

+Wand- The wand is used to direct energy and to draw lines using energy. The wand is considered either fire or air.

+Broom- Also referred to as a "besom", the broom is used to "sweep" away negative energies and to prepare a ritual space. It also is used in handfasting (marriage) rituals where the people to be married jump over the broom to clear themselves of negative energy.

+Candles- Candles are used as a focal point for energy and to provide light for a ritual.

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