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A/N: Lowkey based off of a dream i had but that doesn't matter, now does it. Also y'all r wearing comfy clothes bc it'd be very uncomfortable and weird if you both were in armour. Gotta drop the drip for the chapter homeslice.

! Gender Neutral Reader ! :)


Background info: You, Aether, and Paimon went on a little side quest for whatever reason and it starts to get late so you guys decide to set up a little sleeping area in a hidden space next to a cliff.


"yawwwn." Hmm, I'm tired as shit. I grabbed my bag and fished through the contents. I found my knitted sweater and pulled it over my head. I pulled my knees up to my chest as I watched Aether and Paimon finish eating or putting away materials, setting stuff up whatever idk I can barely tell what's going on.

My eyelids drooped and head bobbed as sleepiness quickly took over me. I yawned again as I pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands and dove under the blanket, seeking more warmth. I pulled my legs up close to me and closed my eyes for a bit, not falling asleep just yet.


Paimon stretched her arms above her head. "yawwwwwn. Paimon is super duper sleepy . Paimon thinks it's time to sleep. Nighty-night Aether!" Paimon said to me as she disappeared to wherever she goes when she's not around nagging me about how the emergency food jokes are old and overused. They most definitely aren't though, she's just salty. I smiled as I thought about Y/N's adorable laugh whenever we would tease Paimon about it.

"Hm. I guess it is getting quite late, isn't it. I should see how Y/N is before we fall asleep."

I stood up and pulled my arms about my head, hearing the crack of my back from all the cramping. My head shot upwards as I walked over to Y/N, startled from the sound of a couple of pigeons flying out from the trees. I sighed and picked up a feather one of them had dropped, planning on giving it to Y/N the next day. They always get so happy whenever the tiniest of things happen or whenever I give them pretty rocks or nicknacks I've found on my travels. I think it's adorable.

I knelt down and put a hand on Y/N's knee. "Hey Y/N are you- oh... you're asleep. Well then," I took their glasses off and set them gently in their bag. "That should more comfortable." I looked over Y/N's features and saw their folded hands underneath their head. I moved the stray piece of hair laying on their face behind their ear. I ran my thumb over their cheek, which was tinted pink from the cold. "The things you do to me.. you really are something else, Y/N L/N." They tilted their head and pushed their cheek into my hand. I smiled at the action. "Cute." I then placed a kiss on their forehead and got up to lay behind them.

I pulled the blanket over the both of us and wrapped my arms around their waist, pulling them closer to me. I pressed my face against the back of their neck and closed my eyes. I felt a slight shift and Y/N intertwine their fingers with mine. I smiled and hmpf'd, placing a gentle kiss on their shoulder. I pressed them against me again as i hummed Je Te Laisserai Des Mots against their neck.


BONUS (cus I like to spoil my readers)



"You think I'm cute." Y/N stated.

"Ah,, you heard that." Aether replied, embarrassed.

"I heard it all." Y/N kissed Aether's hand.

"Mm. I'm sorry-"

"-No. I...I liked it."



"I.... I love you. You know that right?"

"Mhm. I love you too, Aether. I always will."

The both of them smiled, their cheeks tinted pink. And this time it wasn't the cold.

Aether kissed the back of Y/N's neck. "Alright. Just making sure, my love."

A/N: YO YO YO what's up B) alrighty so how'd you guys like this? be honest and pls gimme feedback if you will. If you'd like me to write more of this then please tell me because i definitely will, and I most certainly take requests!! Ummmm yeah! I think that's all I have for now so see ya next time <3

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