The narcisist

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It was quiet Wednesday evening, and my family were all inside.I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a youtube video about chickens.
We hear a deep, slow knock on the door. We instantly know who it was. My dad sitting across the room from me glances at me and peeks outside the window.
"It's him."
I see panic control my dads body and he races to my mom in the other room. I hear distressed quiet words be shared between them. My ears strain to hear them.
"Do we let him in or call the police?"
"I just don't know...-."
My dad opens the door. "Hi dad how are you?" My grandpa steps in the room and sits down on the couch. My little siblings race up the stairs and embrace my grandpa, with my older brother following slowly behind.
"Grandpa!" My little sister shouts, leaping onto his lap and giving him a big hug.
My older brother and I were the siblings who knew who he really was:
A narcissistic, abusive, jerk.
(We keep the truth from the little siblings because we wanted them to only view him as good, and not remember all of the bad things that he did)
. My grandpa laughs and talks to everyone in our family, expecting us to forget all of the awful things he did to his wife in the course of a few couple months, and be a "big happy family".
I wish I could forget.
Everyone talks with him, the little kids adoring him, the older people waiting for when he will explode.
Like a ticking time bomb.
I awkwardly talk to him when he talks to me, staring at the chickens in my youtube video, waiting for him to stop talking to me.
All of my siblings leave downstairs with my mom, leaving My dad, grandpa, and I.
I continue to watch my video about chickens, while listening to them talk in front of me. They talk together, getting along for about 15 long minutes. Until Grandpa brings up the divorce and what things he wants from Grandma since they are splitting the house. He only comes to our house if he wants something from my Dad.
"Your mom doesn't need all of her pots and pans, she has too much random cooking ware that she doesn't use."
"Well... Dad, she uses them to cook, you never use them." My dad chuckles a little.
He tries to convince my Dad to let him have other things that are my grandmas.
"Here, I have a list of things."
My dad sighs and reads the list. I look at him, and can tell that he is upset.
"Now Dad, I don't think if you have all of these things It would be fair. You don't even have a use for these things." Grandpa stares at him, before opening his mouth to say something.
"Would you like it if Mom had your Grill? She doesn't use it." My Dad cuts in, trying to prove a point.
"I WANT MY GRILL!!!!" He jumps up, screaming nonsense about his grill. His screams hurt my ears, and I jump up in shock. He grabs my dad's collar on his shirt, trying to push him against the wall and choke him, but his body is now much weaker and older than his sons.

My dad easily pushes him out of the way, yelling at him. They yell at each other, and I'm on the couch in shock.
"Get out!!!"
My grandpa yells louder (Which I didn't know was possible) and runs towards my dad. My dad pushes him and he hits the ground hard. I watch him stumble to the ground, hoping he his frail body doesn get injured. The rest of my family race up the stairs, hearing all the noise. My grandpa gets up and runs at my Dad again. My mom quickly knows whats happening and yells at my grandpa.
"Get out Brent! Get out of our house before I call the police!" She shouts. (She has always been nice to him, so this surprised him) Grandpa looks at her and curses at my parents before waving his hands above his head like a maniac.
"Okay I'm LEEEAAVVIINNGG!" He storms out the door and my parents guard the door, listening to him curse at them while he drives away.
I feel betrayal and shock, but I should've known that would happen.
There was dead silence, everyone staring at each other in shock. Several seconds pass before my dad murmurs:
"I'm so sorry guys."
My grandpa has tried to be violent towards my dad before, just not in front of us like that before.
My little brother starts laughing, not truely grasping the sad reality, and we get affected by his infectious laugh. "He looked so dumb." he giggles, imitating when grandpa put his hands in the air and started shouting. My siblings laugh with him except for me.
I was there when grandpa exploded. It was terrifying.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I slowly walk away to hide in my room. I hug my stuffed animal polar bear, and start shaking.
"Come here Tori." My mom softly calls.
I eventually walk into the living room and look at my mom.
"Come here." She opens her arms and I fall into them.
An ugly sob escapes my mouth, and I start crying, my shoulders shaking. My dad hugs me too and I get them wet from all my tears.

(We eventually report the incident to the police, and my grandpa can no longer bother our family.) Although my dad did push my grandpa to the floor, I think that he deserved it lol and my dad was defending himself. :)
I freaking love my family.

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