im back

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Written by: me

Inspired by: im back by reddish-green-personality on tumblr 


I'm done with all of the shit

that you did to my heart

And now i am done

God i'm so fucking done

Yeah, i'm done with all this shit

So now, now

I'm back in control of my own fucking life

I swear that was the last fucking straw

You've done it! Here's a medal

Finally broke this camel's back

So you can go away now

Take a seat, have laugh

I've spent far too long just waiting, playing

Your cute little mind games won't work anymore

I'm cutting you out of my life

There's no time left for fake little goodbyes

I am done with you and all of your stupid ass lies

I know my worth

I know my worth

I know my worth

Goddamnit I swear I fucking know my own worth

You say that you care, always say that you care

But did you care? Fuck it. Really ever care?

When i was just a child, saw you hit my own brother

Said he didn't deserve your love

Because he wasn't "white enough"

Because he wasn't "man enough"

He showed his emotions, showed his vulnerability

I swear that you could have just looked right past me, through me

You claim you're that my mother, they say that you're my mother

But if we're family, we're supposed to care for each other

You took away my father, claimed that "he was just the worst"

I tried to look away, look away and ignore

That my brothers and i were the only ones diverse enough

On your side of the family to have to go through life

Experiencing racism just years after five

He was the one, the one to show me love

The only one who seemed to not give up

When i was tired, when i was done

I didn't want the pain, I didn't want the hurt

He was the one, the one that was there

When i just wanted to throw it all away

I didn't want to live another fucking day of agony, of misery

He showed that he cared

That there was more to life

Than family members that make you wanna stab yourself with a knife

He showed me kindness, and patients, and life lessons too

He showed up when i needed him

Like what you expect your parents to do

You're supposed to be able to count on them.

It's because of him that i'm back

I'm back in control of my goddamn life

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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