Chapter 3 Bruce meets Marinette

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Third pov

Bruce Wayne had survived things that most humans never would.

He'd pushed himself physically and mentally to levels far from healthy.

Built something to help the city he was born in and push back the darkness within him.

Gotham has always been a dark, shadow filled place with more bad guys than you could count.

It's citizens do not care much.

Getting robbed by the Penguin or having your life lay in the hands of a tossed coin is a normal day for most.

Bruce isn't the headstrong youngster he once was, he can admit that if it hadn't been for his kids, then he likely would've died for the mission.

Now, he can see another future.

Time skip

Tim may be the one that will one day fully take over the company, but that won't be for a few years yet.

Which means that unless Bruce wants Tim to work himself to death, Bruce also have meetings to go to.

He can somewhat understand Tim's need for coffee.

This is however the first time he's heard someone buy a caffeinated drink that sounds worse than what his son tends to buy.

"I want a Cinnamon Bun Frappuccino with foureen shots of espresso."

The guy behind the counter doesn't even blink. Just puts the order in.

Bruce doesn't have the energy to do more than wait for his own coffee. It's seven in the morning and he has meetings until six.

He does, however, put her face to mind, because he's seen it before.

The guy that had tried to rob her ended up not needing medical treatment, but he did have severe bruising and a dislocated hand that he had fixed before the police took him away.

Time skip


Marinette has a problem.

She does not have a bed, nor some proper food.

Which is why she is shopping.

She is, in times like these, grateful that she is fluent in english, because she's had to ask for help a few times.

Oh well, it's been a good day at least.

She has a mattress and everything needed to sleep on it, different kinds of food (and sweets) and she bought a mannequin to pull the dress she's been working on over.

It's a good thing to have in her line of work.

Definitely makes things easier.

Once she finishes the dress and package it to send to Clara Nightingale, she goes to bed.

A few hours later she's awake again, nightmares having invaded her sleep.

She feels all sticky and nauseous and just simply wrong. It's always a jarring experience when it happens and Marinette almost stumbles into a hot shower.

She still feels so very wrong when she gets out again.

It's a prickly sensation in her very skin and just plain uncomfortable feeling in her very bones.

It's a feeling withing her that screams that something is wrong, wrong, dangerously wrong.

She doesn't know when she opened the window but she does know when she's climbing up to the buildings roof. Thankfully wearing dark clothes.

From the outside it must look so weird with a young woman climbing the walls in dark clothes, but she cannot bring herself to care and continue climbing until her feet touch the roof.


Batman and Robin have split for the night, and right now he feels it's a good thing.

He is prepared for trouble when he sees someone climbing out of a window and up a wall and towards the roof. All while being dressed in black.

He turns the cowl into a mode that lets him see the person and his gut twist like it does whenever something is strange, more so than normal.

The girl climbing is the same girl from the botched robbery, his own visit to a coffee shop and the only that (unknowingly) helped his third oldest get a coffee.

Tim had told him about her barely a day ago about the her. (Although, it wasn't the only thing he'd talked about.)


"She was on the smaller side, and i don't mean weight, i mean that she's Cass's size. Wonder if she's got coffee in her veins? Can you, logically, have coffee in your veins? What if i put an IV in my arm with coffee in it? Wha-"

"Chum, I'm stopping you right there. You are not injecting yourself with coffee. I do not care if i have to involve Alfred as a means to stop you."

End flashback

He stays in the shadows and watches as she sits down and curls into herself.

"B, we're heading back." Nightwing informed him through the comm.

"Make sure to eat before Alfred makes you." He replies.

Much to his surprise, the girl on the roof looks his way.

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