Chapter 6 Love Can Only Come so Slowly

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     I can't believe I already have 6 chapters! I think I'm going to change the name to The Princess because this is turning out to be more about Adriana.  Remember to comment what you think, and VOTE, just click that teeny little star when you've finished. I'd really appreciate it. :) Also, comment if you think I should change the title, and what you think about Adriana and Alexander! Okay, your probably telling me to shut up and get on with it.

     Alexander and I make it back to the Palace.  Alexander kind of hangs around me awkwardly.  "So... I guess I'll see you later?" he says.


     "Actually, probably not.  The Palace is supposedly going to be under attack, and I have to find my brother.  Thing is, I don't want to go back to my mom.  I'm pretty sure she's lying to me.  She says we're creatures called (I still don't know! Remember to comment!)"

     "Well, they're real, because... I am too." He says. I know he likes me, but now I can see the love in his eyes.  He slowly leans in, but I back away.  I might have a crush on him, but I barely know him.

     "Sorry, just thought... you know what, nevermind. Umm... do you want to see my wings?" he asks.

     "But wouldn't I already be able to see them? Where are they? Why can't I see them?" I ask, extremely confused. 

     "Just watch," he says as an area of shimmering light appears behind him.  Large, sky blue and white wings suddenly are visible.  The only word to make its way out of my mouth is, "Wow.."

      He smiles, perfect white teeth gleaming. "Now how about that kiss? You know, now that you know the (Help me out on this!) are real."

      "Okay," I say, and peck his lips.  I blush afterward.  I look up at him, greeted by a goofy grin.

     Okay thats it today! Comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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