Chapter 4 Disappearance

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Princess Adriana's POV

 As soon as I heard what had happened, I knew that mother would be devastated. She really enjoyed Alice's company. She even took her horseback riding, though she was a maid. There was a knock at my door. I opened it, expecting to see Marcee, but instead I see my mother. "Uh.. Hello mother." I say.

 "Hello, darling. I am very worried about the idea of a murderer in the castle. Would you be okay with moving your room next to mine?"

 I think about it. I decide it would be a good idea, and accept the offer. Mother leaves, and a few minutes later about ten servants and a couple of maids come in to help me move my stuff. The servants start moving furniture, starting with the elegant bed, which I really hate. I have told mother that I really hate having fancy stuff, but she says I cannot have peasant furniture. "It's bad luck for a princess to have peasant furniture," she always says, "I thought you always liked having this stuff?" It's always the same. Bad luck, shmad luck.

        As the servants moved furniture, the two maids helped me with the clothing. We would take it out of the closet, and then carry it to the West Wing to my new room, which was pretty big. We would then go back, and get more dresses. There are only some pants, mostly just riding pants. Mother only lets me wear pants on Saturdays.

     As soon as we finished moving my stuff and arranged my room, I went to the kitchen to grab some lunch.  I never eat lunch in the Great Dining Hall.  I don't really like it, it's just too fancy.  I make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I don't even use a plate.  Just a paper towel. 


     As I am sitting with Jack, I realize that nobody knows where I am.  Mother must be extremely worriedneed to tell her I'm okay! I get up and tell Jack that I must go.  I run into the Palace.  "Mother! I'm okay! Mother? Where are you?"
     "William? William! Is that you?" She replies, sounding as though she were in the kitchen. She never goes in the kitchen. Why would she be in there? I go anyway.  I find her sitting at the small wooden table, eating with Adriana.  She gets up when she sees me and rushes over to embrace me.  She squeezes so hard I feel like my eyes are going to pop out.  "Where have you been, William?"
    "I'm so sorry. I thought I was being chased by some beast, but I turned out to be a dragon, mother!  And guess who it is! It's Jack!"

        "Oh my... May I... see Jack?" 

        "Yes! Of course! That is.. If your okay with a dragon in the Palace?" 

        "Oh alright. Bring him in."

        I walk back outside to find Jack. "Jack!" I yell. "Jack? Where have you gone?"  

        "I'm here! I'm coming, hang on!"

        Jack comes lumbering out of the woods, trying to run as fast as he can.  He looks funny, trying to run with little legs and such a large body.  "Jack?  Would you like to come inside the Palace? My mother would like to see you."

        "Yeah! Let's go, it's getting kind of hot out here anyway."

        We walk toward the Palace, and suddenly a man runs past, right in front of us, forcing us to stop.  I think I've seen this man before.. I think it was after the library window shattered. We start walking again.  Inside the Palace, I cannot get Jack to fit through the Dining Hall doors.  "Uh.. Just wait here, I'll be right back." I say to Jack.  I enter the Great Dining Hall to get Mother.  She isn't there.  I check the kitchen, and she isn't there, nor is Adriana.  Where did they go? I ask the cook in the kitchen, and he has no idea where they went, that they were there one second, gone the next.  

        I leave the dining hall, only to find that Jack is also gone.  Where has everyone gone to? "Mother! Where are you? Jack? Adriana?" No answer. 

        Sorry I haven't updated in so long.  I've been really busy, especially with the New Year.  I've been out of town twice in the past month, and I haven't really had any writing ideas.  I'll try to update more often! I promise! :)

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