"B-but yo-your majesty-----"The young lady stopped talking as the king was fuming

Beaming Red eyes,Dark aura and a pair of sharp fangs were to be seen from the King

"You don't talk bad about my daughter! I have raised her to be a well trained lady! And not to be shamed by others who are full of themselves!"The king stated grabbing attention from everyone in the forest including the Queen who had followed him

"This wasn't part of the deal your majesty! My father had made a contract with you! You have to make me Queen or we will send-----"The young lady was once again stopped as the king loosened his coat

"I don't give a damn thing about that contract! I signed it knowing you were to be a good ruler,a disciplined woman but I was wrong! I will terminate that contract,Don't try and Threaten me because I care about my daughter more than I care about you! I care about my people who look up to me because I set a good example and not to you because you're full of yourself knowing that I would give you the crown because of a stupid contract"The King screamed in anger as everyone was shocked because it was the first time they had seen the king like this

"I will tell my father about this!"The young lady spoke but she fell down on her knees

"Don't talk high to my father! You're just a spoiled brat,Don't think you can just talk to the king because you're father made a contract with him.We are far more superior than you! We are royalty! You're just a worthless arrogant Kid who keeps on talking about her father"The Gal had slapped the young lady taking her father aback

"I was born Royalty,I don't need a crown for superiority.You can be Queen if you want to but I'll still be better than you,Stronger than you because I trained as a royalty aiming for the top and not tell my father to give me the crown because I want to.I don't care if your father made a contract with my father because I would still be the leader,not based on the crown but based on the personality,leadership and power that I have.You have no rights to defy me! Nor my father because we are higher than you,more powerful than you"The gal continued and the leaves of the trees turned black as the gal emits a great amout of aura.......so black that it will blind you

The Queen had a smile on her face,she was waiting for her daughter to know the qualities to be a good leader and she didn't fail to do so.The King was shocked but proud of his daughter standing up for him and his People and community.Everyone was astonished by The Gal's words it was as if she was born to be a good leader,She was the definition of "The Perfect Queen"

The young lady broke into tears and ran off into the forest,The gal looked at her friends who were looking at her proudly 'you did amazing,we knew you were fit to be the leader'

"Everyone! I gather your attention for an important announcement"The King spoke once more and everyone listened and looked at him

"I present to all of you the new holder of the Crown and Throne,My Daughter"The king said and everyone cheered and clapped as the gal embraced her father

"I know.......you're going to be a good leader someday and I'm counting on it because you're my daughter,you stood up for your family,friends and our community even if you were being stepped on.....I am proud of you"The king spoke softly to his daughter as the gal began to cry

‡Karina's POV‡

"Why are you crying?"Kai Sunbae asked and I wiped my tears

"You're mother was an arseh*le but she was proud,she was true and brave,she didn't let anyone talk down on everyone that she cared about because she knew herself that she was to be a leader and she wanted to protect everyone that surrounded her"Kai Sunbae continued as he patted my head and smiled

"I'm not forcing you to be like your mom,but Yoo Jimin......I want you to take your mother as an example and be a good leader when the day comes.You can be yourself but remember your people,your family and friends before making sudden decisions"He said and stood up

"Karina........I'm counting on you.......be a good example to everyone,I know you just have fun from time to time but........take everything into consideration before taking risks"He added as he walked away

I looked at the sky and laid on the grass........My mother......I can never be like her.......I'm not gonna be a good leader........I......I'm worthless as a royalty

"Never in my life have I thought of you as worthless"I jolted up as soon as I heard my mother's voice

Right........vampires can read minds whenever you don't have it closed off or you're stressed and worried.....

"Karina.......I didn't become your mother just to call you worthless,If I can......I would change your fate and let you be human......live your life as you without having to think about being a royalty or the next Queen,because I don't want you to take this burden,I chose to be Queen,I chose to take all this burden but Karina I don't want you to take the burden that I brought.......because you mean so much to me.......not as a princess but my daughter......I want you to have a good life without any trouble thinking about what you should do best for your people"My mother spoke and soon my tears began falling as I come into her embrace

"Karina for me.......you're not worthless.....you mean everything to me......not jewelry or even this kingdom worth more than you to me.......you're my daughter and I don't want you to live your life like a prisoner waiting to be freed from all of this.....So Karina I will give you the choice........you can either be the Queen or live your life normally......I won't force you,think about yourself just this once don't bother thinking of what others would say,listen to your heart and mind.....think of what you want to be......I don't wanna force the Crown to you"She added as she hugged me tightly

My mind was full of thoughts........I didn't know what to say........I just wanted to be with my mom.....in her embrace.....not thinking of anything

I looked up at her with teary eyes as I had made my decision

"I will carry your burden mom......I want to be the Next Queen....I want to be a leader,I want to be like you.Proud and brave"I said and I saw tears in her eyes

"Is this your decision?"She asked and I nodded

She was hesitant but she knows she can't do anything because it was my choice

"Mother.....I want you to be proud of me not just because of who I am but because I continued your legacy......your hard work,I'm doing this as your daughter not as a princess"I said and she smiled,letting her tears drop as we both hugged each other as the sun began to descend


A/n:Confused? XD it just meant that Karina wanted to be Queen to show her mother that she doesn't care about the burden,she cares about her mother and the hard work she had done for her.But what do you think will happen if Karina were to choose not be a Queen?

I was a Demon and she was An Angel (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt