Chapter 27

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Charlie POV

I reach Sue.

"What?" I ask, panicked.

We are in the kitchen. I look around. Bella is not here.

"Where is she?" I ask.

Sue points.

"She could be anywhere." Sue says.

I look in the direction of her finger. The front door it half open.

Oh no.

"Why? Just, why?" I say.

I slip on my shoes and head outside.

"Bella? Where did you go?" I shout.

There is no answer.

Her truck is still in the driveway.

I run down the driveway. I stop. It is snowing.

"Bella!" I call, "Bella! Where are you?"

I look around me. I see Sue coming toward me. She hands me my coat.

"I called Jacob. Maybe he can get The Pack to help." Sue says.

"Charlie! Sue! Is everything alright?" Mr. Cambridge asks.

"No! Bella is missing!" I shout.

"Charlie, you are going to wake the neighbors!" Sue says.

"Any idea where she could have gone?" Mr. Cambridge asks.

"No. Her truck is still here. She is in her pajamas. I don't even think she is wearing shoes." I say.

"Let me get Delaney. We will help you find her." Mr. Cambridge says.

"No, Rodger! That won't be necessary!" Sue says.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yes." Sue says.

Mr. Cambridge eyes Sue carefully, then walks back into his house.

"Why?" I ask.

"The Pack." Sue says slowly.

The Unchosen Twilight PathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang