"Kanlaon, you can let him go," Sidapa calmly told the goddess who only nodded her head and released the raging moon god, who immediately produced an insane amount of light energy to protect himself, but it backfired when the wounds he received from the castigation have opened up.

He stumbled down onto the floor, heaving breathlessly.

Sidapa was quick to carry the moon god back again to the bed, despite the other trying to fight the god of death, thinking it was Mayari and Apolaki's men.

"Why didn't you pick up the moon god?" Pandaki, the god of chances, whispered to the goddess beside him, the one who restrained Libulan, the Supreme goddess namely Kanlaon.

"Our old friend will get mad if I do, silly," she whispered back, making Pandaki understand the situation. Magyawen motioned them to leave the two alone for a while since Sidapa have been waiting so long for the return of the Moon god. It'll be best to give them the time they need for a while.

They all left the two to themselves.

"They did nothing wrong!!" Libulan screamed at Sidapa's face, almost clawing at him while the other was trying to calm him down. But since Libulan have been born with a puny, and frail bodyㅡ it was easy to tackle him down back to the bed and Sidapa was afraid of even holding him upon realizing how fragile Libulan is.

"I know," he whispered to him repeatedly, caressing his hair over and over again as he let Libulan cry every horrible scene he has witnessed and memories he last saw that forever scarred him.

"I am here now, I am here."

It took the god of death a little while before Libulan have finally come to his senses, that he is no longer at the sacred hall of his palace but in the arms of the god who saved him from that nightmare.

"I... am... sorry," Libulan sniffled, hugging himself as he backed away from Sidapa. Especially when he saw the scratches he made on his arms, neck, and face for thinking it was those people who tried to take him away and punish him once more.

The thin silky robe that Sidapa borrowed from Kanlaon didn't manage to cover much of Libulan's wounds and it is also because of his milky pale skin that it stands out.

"It's okay, come closer, no one will hurt you again. Not on my watch, my beloved," Sidapa softly told the other, reaching out for his face to caress. Libulan have let him, and this made him burst into tears again. His slender, bony hands held the calloused and rough hand that was caressing his face. Leaning in for comfort.

Sidapa clicked his tongue, decided to pull the moon god closer to him, letting the other sit on his lap as he watches Libulan cry like a little kid. It made him angry to see how the marks of the lightning and burnt from the Sun never faded up to now. He wished he could replace them with his markings.

"You can put me down now," Libulan told him, trying to look away from the gaze that Sidapa was giving him. But the god of death could not listen to any words as of the moment, his only focus was on the entirety of the god he thought he will lose forever.

"A-are you crying?" Libulan asked when he noticed Sidapa’s golden honey orbs were twinkling.

"No," Sidapa immediately replied, resting his face on Libulan's shoulder, which made the latter whimpered for a while because of how heavy he seemed.

"How about you? Do you still want to cry everything out? I can be with you for as long as you want."

His voice was deep and low, yet it brought safety into Libulan's uneasy heart, making him smile a bit before he brushed Sidapa's hair with his fingers. But he immediately pulled himself away from Sidapa when the very image of the Serpent god came into his mind.

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now