The Amusement park

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Xavier was waiting for Brad at the gate,

Xavier: Where is he, I told him to be here at 6,
Brad: HEY,
Xavier: What took you so long,
Brad: I got a little lost,

Xavier paid for the tickets, and they walk around wondering what to do first.

Xavier: What do you want to do first,
Brad: What ever you want,
Xavier: We can ride the ferris wheel,
Brad: sure,

They rode on the Ferris wheel all the way up, but then they got stuck,

Brad: What happened,
Xavier: yeah we're fine, but what happened,
Police #1: The control are broken and seats are falling apart, but the fire department is on there way, just stay calm,

Xavier knows Brad is afraid of heights,

Brad: Xavier, I'm scared, I wanna go home,
Xavier: Brad everything is gonna be okay,  Hold my hand,
Brad: okay,

So he hold his hand,

Police #1: Boys, the fire department is here, just stay there,

Firefighter #2 : Hey boys, I'm here to get you down,

Xavier climb down,
Brad however is scared,

Brad: I'm too scared to come down,
Firefighter #2: Hey it's okay, I'll be with you,

So they climb down, and the boys went to the cotton candy bar,

Brad: Mmm, I love cotton candy,

Brad noticed that Xavier haven't talked for 10 minutes,

Brad: Xavier, are you feeling okay,
Xavier: No, I feel like the worst person ever, I got us stuck on top of the Ferris wheel,
Brad: are you kidding, I had fun,
Xavier: you did,
Brad: yeah, you helped me with my fear,
Xavier: I'm kinda sleepy, I better get some cupcakes for home,

He left, and Brad went to the games to win a prize for Xavier, 10 minutes later, the boys went to the museum,

Xavier: I better get inside,
Brad: oh um Xavier, I got something for you,

He took out a stuffed wolf,

Brad: it's a gift,
Xavier: Thanks Brad, I Love it,

They hugged, and went home,

Brax(Brad and Xavier) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now