Chapter five

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A week later Michael was discharged from the hospital, Vanessa urged him to go home with her but he refused, so she let him be but not that she doesn't call him every minute of the day.
When he got home that day, he was afraid that his mind will continue it's game on him but after staying the whole day, nothing happened. He didn't see crying Sasha nor did he see the other wicked side of him but at night, he discovered that he really miss her and somehow seeing her as a vision or illusion or hallucination made him not to miss her much and now not seeing her at all, his lonely heart long for her.
Michael hugged his pillow to sleep that night out of thinking about her too much but no matter how much he did, she can't just magically appear beside him and he knows that but heaven, how he wish it was possible.
The next day when Gary visited him in the morning as usual, he couldn't help but ask him "how have she been lately?"
Without thinking, Gary already knew who he was asking about so he went straight to the point "but Sir, didn't you tell us to stop following her?"
Michael looked at him "even though I said that, I know you and Fish wouldn't keep it."
Gary smiled at that "well, after the day you told us to withdraw, she moved into the house but em..."
"Go on, say it."
"Mr Craig found an apartment a few houses from hers and they spend time together a lot these days."
Michael heaved a deep sigh and closed his eyes "they are that close aren't they?" He asked in a whisper but Gary didn't reply so he opened his eyes and looked at him with a faint smile "when you don't reply to something, it's an indirect way of agreeing."
"Well, I can't really say it like that but em... Two days ago Mr Craig tried to kiss her but she moved away and had walked out of their dinner. Maybe he apologized and she forgave him because last night, they had dinner together again."
Michael stared at him silently for a long time that Gary became afraid he will be angry with  him for not protecting his mistress very well.
"What is the matter sir, what are you thinking about?" He couldn't help but ask.
"Why I didn't kiss her the times that I had the opportunity to, why I didn't take her to dinner when I could, why I didn't take her shopping and held her hand. Why I didn't do anything with her" he smiled self mockingly and shook his head "it's true what they say, you never know what you have until you lose it. She had been leaving with me for one good year but not once did I take the initiative to kiss her and she has known a man for only two weeks and he rushed to kiss her" he looked Gary "what name do you think I should be called?"
Gary was silent this time "sir, sometimes we make mistakes in life that we will end up regretting but it won't be hurting so much if we right the mistake when we could."
"Are you saying I should go kiss her?"
"No, I'm saying you should find her and tell her how you feel. Everything could be forgiven with the words 'I'm sorry'."
Michael heaved a deep sigh "I have never apologize to anyone in my life."
"Then you can start with her."
"If I do that, what's the guarantee I will get her back?"
"I can't say but if mistress have an atom of feelings for you, when you apologize, there is a ninety five percent chance that she will come back."
"Ninety five is not hundred."
"But it's still heart satisfying."
Michael nodded "yes it is" he looked at Gary "I guess I will give it a try?"
Gary smiled "that's the spirit" but deep in his heart he really hoped his boss will pull it off because it was not a lie when he said he has never apologized to anyone and Gary prayed he will let down his pride and do that when he meets Sasha.

Later that day, Gary drove Michael to Sasha's house but he refused to go inside, he preferred to stay inside the car and Gary could do nothing but sigh, he knew his boss can't muster up the courage.
Michael stayed in his car and watched the two people having dinner inside, his lonely heart hurting him as he watched another man do something he didn't bring himself to do with her. He found himself wishing he could turn back the hands of time but he knew it was not possible.
Sasha dropped her cutlery and looked at the man opposite her with a smile "so your daughter would really do that?"
Craig dropped his own cutlery "you don't know Angelina, she do what she wants."
"Even though she is just five?"
"Actually she will be turning six next month. I will be going back to be with her, her mother is planning on throwing a big party for her and I can't miss it."
"Her stepfather will be there?"
"Why wouldn't he?" A frown appeared on his face as he think of the man who stole his family from him. After some seconds he shook his head to shake away the thought "you will come with me won't you? To London."
Sasha hesitated for some seconds "I can't tell. It depends" she picked up her cutlery and started picking on her food but she was lost in thought.
Gary studied her and sighed "has he called you?"
Sasha paused her fork and let out a deep breath before shaking her head "I guess he will never."
"You deserve better."
Sasha smiled and looked at him "really? And who will that be, you?"
"Well I can't tell but I know I will treat you better and I will make sure every moment with me will be heavenly. You are a beautiful woman Sasha, in and out. I have seen that and any man who doesn't value you is...I don't know but he doesn't deserve you. I will advice you to stop waiting for him, he doesn't deserve you nor your love and time."
"It's not up to two months yet."
"Forget that. Of course his mother is going to say that because she is hoping on her son to come to his senses but if you ask me, I will say you send him that divorce papers tomorrow and be done with it."
Sasha remained silent as she looked to be in thoughts "I will just keep to that. After two months then I will do whatever necessary."
"You really still love him don't you?"
"Have you stopped loving Mirabelle?"
Craig was quiet "yes" he answered "and it started since I met you" he looked deep into her eyes but Sasha looked away.
"Well, it's not same with me. I have been loving him for nearly fourteen years now. It won't be that easy."
"Well, he doesn't love you back, are you going to continue being a lovelorn?"
Sasha said nothing but started eating again. Craig watched her and sighed before picking up his cutlery too.

Michael watched them from his car and what he wouldn't give to hear what they were discussing and it's not like he can't do it but he won't, stalking her is already more than enough, he shouldn't eavesdrop in her discussion, he can't stand so low.
He saw them walking out after some time, Sasha was smiling on something the man said but he can't say what.
"So see you when?" Sasha asked Craig.
"Tomorrow. Dinner, at my place" he grinned.
Sasha laughed "we just had dinner and you are already asking for another one tomorrow?"
"Well you wouldn't blame me, I just enjoy spending time with you. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like I'm in heaven."
Sasha rolled her eyes dramatically "tell me about it."
"I'm serious, it's the pure truth" he moved a step closer to her and tucked a luck of her hair behind her ear "you are a beautiful woman and I'm going to keep saying that till you believe me" he pauses to gaze into her eyes and at impulse he wanted to kiss her but remembering her reaction the first time, he stopped himself "if I should have you, I will be the luckiest man" he said in a whisper.
Sasha closed her eye when she felt his breath on her face and for a moment, she wanted to go on with the flow, it's been a long time she had been kissed, it's been a long time her body had been touched by strong arms and feeling him so close to her, her body betrayed her mind and she tilted her head upward and kissed him.
Craig was surprised when he felt her lips on his but just as he got over his shock to enjoy the kiss, she pulled away, he wanted to claim her lips back but her hand settled on his chest and she slowly pushed him away with a shake of her head.
"I'm sorry about that" she muttered before looking into his eyes, hey eyes crystal clear in the moonlight, making any man who saw that want to protect her and Craig was no different, he pulled her into his arms. Sasha wanted to reject but when his arms enveloped her body, she realized just how much she needed the hug and if she is to calculate correctly, its been nearly a year and six months since she was last hugged by a man and she buried herself deeper in his arms. This is just what she wanted, a touch of love, a simple hug, something her husband has never given her, thinking about the one man in her heart, her eyes welled up and she sobbed.
Craig stroked her back as he hugged her "hey, I'm here. Always."
Sasha sniffed and after some seconds, she pulled away, she wiped away her tears with the back of her hands and looked at him "thank you."
"Anytime" Craig smiled "I will be going now. You be a good girl, okay?"
Sasha smiled lovingly before nodding "I will."
"Alright then. Goodnight" he leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before walking away. Sasha stared at his back for some minutes before turning to walk back inside when something caught her eyes, she turned to the side ways to make out the shape of a car in the darkness, for a second her heart shuddered as she thought of Michael watching her and remembering that she kissed Craig just now, her heart missed a beat and then she recalled that she often see a black car at that spot everyday, so she waved it out, of course, Michael will be too busy to stalk her, so she walked in, closed the door and turned of the lights.
Michael watched the building until the bedroom light went off but still he couldn't get his gaze out of the building, remembering how she kissed Craig just now and how she burrowed into his arms for a hug, his heart constricted and he thought back whether he had ever hugged her and the answer was no, she looked like she needed the hug and it pained him that he wasn't the one that gave it to her but, he still won't blame her, he didn't make himself available for her so it's not her fault, what ever she does now is not her fault, it's all his, if he hadn't pushed her away then it wouldn't have been like that.
Even if she is to sleep with Craig, he won't blame her, he winced when he thought of her being naked on the bed with Craig to have that wonderful moment she had shared with him but he still can't blame her even if she does, he just have to figure out a way to get her back before that happens, that's the best answer. He looked at Gary who was at the driver's seat, Gary felt his gaze but he said nothing "I need a drink."
Gary turned to look at him immediately "but boss, you are not supposed to..."
"Just a glass" Michael interrupted.
Gary thought about it "a glass won't hurt" he started the car and Michael looked at the bedroom window again before the car finally move away.
They got to one of his club and Gary helped him to a private room. In the room, he can see people dancing, and watched every interaction but nobody can see him up where he was, a young guy was with the band and he was singing a soft song that seems to be reading Michael's mood.
Gary called in a waiter to serve him and when the bouncers learnt that Michael was in the building, some went upstairs to his room to guard him and the security down floor tightened, not everybody was allowed to get into the club again, and those that are already inside, should they leave, it will be hard getting back in.
Michael sat on the couch in the room, a waiter brought in a drink and immediately left after placing it on the table, Gary poured a glass for him and served him. Michael took the glass from him, his mind filled with images of Sasha kissing and hugging Craig, that was not the first time he had witnessed such but it still hurt him all the same, just when will it be him? When will he get to kiss her whenever he wants to? When will he get to hug her and have her hug him back? Just when, when?
He downed his drink in one go and passed the glass to Gary to refill, Gary was surprised and just as he wanted to remind him of his wounds, he heard "just one more glass" he sighed and refilled the glass. Michael stared at the drink in his hand and coupled with the music playing downstairs, his mood was in a complete disarray.
Gary noticing the music was affecting him, so he sent one of the bouncers to go stop the music but Michael stopped him with a shake of his head before finishing the drink in his glass again. Gary was prepared to reject him should he ask for more and it was as if Michael sensed his intention, he didn't look at him but instead at one of the bouncers. The bouncer got his meaning and quickly fetched the bottle and refilled his glass.
"Sir I must protest...." Gary began.
"Shh" Michael shushed him and sipped from his glass, his mind filled with the memory of Sasha in her teenage days, she was wearing a white top with a white pants as she run around the school compound jumping in joy, she heard just gotten the news that her father won a car and he had promised to give it to  her should he win it, and hearing that he did had made her so happy cause she was going to be a car owner. He had watched her from his class window with a sweet smile playing on his lips, only he knew the strings he pulled for her father to be the winner, all just to make her happy because he had overheard her telling her friends about it.
Just seeing how happy it made her had made him so happy that he went to his father's company after school and treat the whole workers to lunch. Remembering such happy times brought a pained smile to his lips, she had never known how much he loved her but he had always shared in her mood swings. He finished his glass again and it was refilled by the bouncer before he could even ask and Gary could do nothing but suck at the corner of the room, he was worried about his health but Michael don't seem to mind, he just kept finishing one glass after another while remembering about the days he brought Sasha happiness. Days she has never been aware of.
It seemed like his happy moment was not meant to last as the scene of the first heartbreak she gave him surfaced in his mind and his eyes teared up immediately, his brain played a quick game at him by bringing up all the hurtful times and joined it with the way he had treated her the past year and it ended with her kissing Craig and hugging him. A tear dropped from his eyes and seeing that, Gary ushered the bouncer out of the room, he closed the door after him and turned to face Michael only to see that he has broken down and as well drunk, he sighed for he knew his boss alcohol level was very low and now look at him, he was drunk.
Michael threw his head back and laughed bitterly, he is really cursed, why is it that others will experience this thing called love except him? A lot of people he knew all had one strike on love and it worked for them but him? His heart had insisted on loving only one woman and when he finally got a chance to be with her, his heart went and hid and his brain took over, causing him to maltreat her and now she is gone, his heart got out of it's hiding place and is tormenting him, just what kind of a thing is this? Just why can't he be happy, why can't nature let him be happy?
Haven't he be patient enough? He watched her date four guys and every time she is with them, his heart break but yet he persevered, he waited, he kept on loving her and he always rush to be with her whenever she broke up with them but before he can reveal himself, she had picked up another and he would turn and walk away heartbreakingly. Now, he is about to watch history repeat itself only that now she will bear the title of his wife or ex wife, just why is the world cruel to him? Why didn't he realize how much he still love her when she was living with him? Why now that she is gone?
Gary watched him bath himself with tears and couldn't help but sigh, in all his years of being beside him, this was the first time he was seeing him break down, although he used to before but never in public places, he always lock himself up in his room or office and won't let anyone come in not even him and today, he broke down in his club, just how hurt is he that he couldn't wait till he get home?
Gary closed the distance between them, he reached to take his glass from him when he heard him "I love her" Gary was shocked and looked at his face immediately, Michael was looking at him "you have always wanted to know how I feel right?" Michael looked away and sniffed "I love her, I have always done so from when I was sixteen. Total it up, it's been thirteen years now" he chuckled bitterly "I have loved her for thirteen years" a silent sob escaped his lips and he wiped away his tears and looked at Gary with a smile "I'm a pretty lame excuse for the mighty Michael Brown now aren't I?"
Gary sat beside him and sighed "everybody has their difficult times."
Michael nodded "but I have been going through mine from my mid teens to my late twenties now. So when I'm I going to see my own sun? When I'm a hundred?" He shook his head "I didn't win her over from when I was sixteen down to now that I'm twenty nine, so when is it going to be?"
Just then a man's voice was heard coming from down floor singing Backstreet boys incomplete.
"Empty spaces fill me up with hopes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess
I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete"
Michael grew silent when he heard the song, that was exactly how he feels, Gary knew he was listening to the music and it hurt him to see his mighty boss like that but he knew it was inevitable, his boss made a mistake and now, he is paying the price.
"Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby, it's written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake
I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete"
Michael closed his eyes and listened to every word of the song and each slams into his heart because that's what his heart tells him, without her, he is incomplete.
"I don't mean to drag it on
But I can't seem to let you go
I don't want to make you face this world alone
I want to let you go
I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete"
"Incomplete" Michael whispered the last word with the man and Gary let out a deep breath, he wants to comfort his boss but he doesn't want to do the one that will make him angry with him in the morning when he will be sober.
"You know I tried, I tried a lot to tell her how I feel then but whenever I'm close to revealing myself to her, it always looks like I'm a second late" he looked at Gary "you met the rest. You only missed the one in high school but you saw the rest, you know I tried right?"
Gary nodded, of course he knew, he was there but just that his boss has his own unique way of pursuing her that even him that is a man was jealous the first few times until he got use to it but too bad, the mistress never gets to know it was him before hooking up with another.
Michael sighed "I want to go home, I want to lie down." Gary got up immediately and called in the bouncers to clear the way for him while he wheeled Michael out of the room and out of the club, he put Michael in the car with the help of the bouncer who followed them down and also joined in the car. When they got home, the bouncer helped Gary carry Michael into his room and they put him to bed before leaving the room.
Michael sighed when they left and a tear slipped out of his eyes, he wants her back and he is going to do everything he can to win her even if it means he has to start all over again to woo her, he won't mind as long as he gets her back. After concluding that, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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