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Your POV
What after seemed like forever. We were there. Beautiful Hogwarts. I smiled and shook George's arm excitedly. "Look, Look, Look, WERE BACK!!" I yelled. He gave me a goofy grin and said "yup we are now come on let's go!!" I jumped up while grabbing my bag, George followed behind me. I reached for his hand and I held it while running towards the doors. After we made it to the doors I yelled over for Fred & Hermione. They came running out surprisingly Fast with there cheeks flushed. I looked at Hermione my eyes widen as I looked at her bruised neck. I yelped "Mione.." She looked at me in a little shock as if I was hurt. I hurried and pulled her aside. "BLOODY HELL WOMEN FRED ATE YOUR NECK LIKE A VAMPIRE." She soon became flustered and saw Fred winking at her. I finally said "that's it just tell Ron already, for fuck sake everyone else knows." She flashed me a quick smile and said "okay okay fine." We walked back over to the group. I then see Rons eyes look over to Hermiones neck and widen "Woah, hickeys? From who?" He said kinda shocked. Fred then cleared his throat. "I'm the new vampire, according to y/n because Hermione has been getting love marks from me." He winks, I soon turn to see a very happy Ron. He smiled saying "Bloody knew it, and I'm happy!" After walking through the castle, I started heading to the Slytherin Common Room. Before I went in, someone grabbed me. I yelped a little not knowing who it was. Finally I said quietly "Please, I don't know what I did to upset you but I'm sorry." All I hear is giggling. I open my eyes slightly revealing the Blondie or who others called "The Slytherin Prince". I huffed and said "Malfoy your a fucking dick." He signs and says "yes I know." I looked at him confused as what he wanted. He soon told me "Y/n listen to me I think I might've fallen for pansy." I look at him and yelled a little loudly "OH SHIT!" Heads turned until I got hit in the head "y/n shut it!! But I still act like I hate her." He stopped and looked behind me. "What?" He smiled and pushed me down "FLITHY MUDBLOOD! GO DIE LIKE YOUR PARENTS" Draco spat at me. I looked as he walked away. I felt tears stinging in my eyes. Until I feel something warm around my waist.

I was walking with Harry through the halls talking about y/n and how much I wanted her. Until I see Malfoy push her down and yell really loudly with a smirk on his face "FILTHY MUDBLOOD! GO DIE LIKE YOUR PARENTS." I see her still sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes. I leave Harry behind me and run to her hugging her waist. She smelt so lovely I thought to myself. That was until I felt Harry pull me out of my thoughts.

Your POV
I breath in deeply crying. I recognized who it was. It was Ron. I knew why Malfoy did that but still left no excuse to anyone. That was until Harry yelled "Just sleep in the gryffindor common room couch or you can bunk with the girls." I got angry with Harry but nodded in agreement.

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