Few Will Ever Know

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Few will ever know 

Few will ever see

Few will ever hear

Few will ever feel.

Knowing he is gone

Seeing his standing hair

Hearing his twin scream

Feeling your hear break.

There is a story untold

Of a sweet girls heart

Once filed with love

But crunched down

In a sour filled night.

She held her brother tight

As they watched his twin

Being wheeled away

She swore to protect him

Until the day she died.

Few will ever know 

Few will ever see

Few will ever hear

Few will ever feel.

Knowing he is gone

Seeing his standing hair

Hearing his twin scream

Feeling your hear break.

Now a year later

She fights the razor

To make her lost proud

But failing at times great.

She protects her brother

Honor filling what is left

Of a heart once spilling joy

Now seeping of sorrow

Long from being normal.

Few will ever know 

Few will ever see

Few will ever hear

Few will ever feel.

Knowing he is gone

Seeing his standing hair

Hearing his twin scream

Feeling your hear break.

A little brother once bright

Lays asleep forever silent

Face powdered to look nice

Covering a blanket of blue

Only the knowing can see

What used to be smiling

Only the knowing can see

What used to be crying

Only the knowing can tell

Whats real in a room of fake.

Few will ever know 

Few will ever see

Few will ever hear

Few will ever feel.

Knowing he is gone

Seeing his standing hair

Hearing his twin scream

Feeling your hear break.

So I am going to put this in the simplest way I can. On Sunday, December 18, 2011 I lost my little brother. They kept him alive until Tuesday, December 20, 2011, when they pulled the plug. I considered to have lost him on the 18 because he was brain dead. His official death date is the 20th though. At the funeral over 100 people turned up and I could see who really knew him and who didnt. So as you can tell it is almost a year and I have been going through some dificult times(Razor Blades). If you want to see another poem about this boy you can check out this link. http://www.wattpad.com/9938647-baby-brother

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