Start from the beginning

''Who does she think she is?'' He says with gritted teeth. I ignore him, I need to find Grace, because my blood is turning cold and I'm starting to fear she's in trouble.

''Where is Grace, Lee?'' I ask and he smiles at me pointing to the changing room. I quickly stand up and make my way jogging to the room, my blood is slightly dying, not moving. It happens since she pushed me away. It's a mechanism of defence, to prevent me from hurting myself any further.

''Harry,'' someone calls me from the counter and my head snaps in the direction of the female voice. She gestures for me to come closer and I do that, stopping right in front of the register. ''You're Grace's boyfriend right?'' she asks knowing already the answer, I nod hesitantly and she licks her lips.

This girl has blonde hair, blue eyes and a very pussy attitude. I think I've seen her around Grace a lot these past few days when she just ignored me. I had a bit of time to watch and study every mood she has, every movement she makes. The way her head swings from a side to the other when she's tired, the way her eyes stares into the nothing when she's alone and thinks no one is watching her. how her stomach moves under the tank top when she breathes. Every little thing that made me love her even more, and also augment the pain for the loss of her touch. A week straight without kissing is a week for me where I died every moment a little more. A vacation to the hell.

''And Alex's friend?'' she calls me out of my dream and I tilt my head to her again, I didn't notice I was staring the floor anyway.

''Yep, what do you need woman?'' I tease and she smirks, her nose is pierced. Did she just ask me about Alex? Is she the girl he has been talking about every day, non stop, annoying me to death?

''I was wondering if you...if you had his number. I had two tickets for the Coldplay and...'' she stops feeling embarrassed but I don't ask. She's cute when she blushes and darts her eyes away, I can see why he likes her so much. They are a lot alike. Tough on the outside, sweet on the inside.

I stand there awkwardly before waking up and taking my phone out. I search through the contacts before touching Alex's name and open up the number. I turn the device to her and she grins to me before typing it into her phone.

''Thank you Harry. Grace is right, you really are a good person'' she says and I freeze in my position looking straight into her eyes.

''What? Grace talks about me?'' I ask carving for the answer, my heart beating fast, my hands sweating.

''Soes she need too? I mean her eyes are pretty convincing'' she replies and turns her attention to the costumers who asks for a drink. I path towards to the changing room and finally step inside, walking down the corridor. I place my hand on the handle and my forehead against the cold door. Am I truly ready...for this? for her? am I enough for the girl with the ice in her eyes and the cold in her heart? She's gonna push me away again, I know that but, it's Grace. I can't let her walk away; I can't live without her. I love her and that's the only thing I'm sure of, the only anchor that keeps me with the feet on the earth. The only bound between me and my dreams. So I push the door knob down and...walk in.


Grace's POV.

''I'm sorry'' I say jumping on a sited position. He smiles at me closing the door behind him. his dark hair falling on his face, a little too long, his eyes studying my every move. So familiar.

''I...'' the man says and I tense, massaging the back of my head in embarrassment.

''I'm so sorry. I'm truly am, Mr. Fitz, I will come back to your table please don't take this out on Lee. It's my mistake. I was just chilling out. '' I rush into the words and his grins grows. He rises his hand on his face and presses his finger on his forehead amused.

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