Uhm...Truth or Dare?

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"Uhm...Truth or Dare?" Everyone said 'sure' including Jack who I practically forced to play. We went downstairs into the living room and we all tweeted something on the lines of "Hey guys we need Truths and Dares for Truth or Dare. Any suggestions?"

Almost immediately we got replies. We laughed at how fucked up some of them were.


"Truth or dare Jack J?" Carter asked.

"Dare." I replied simply.

"@... Dares you to kiss Jack while we... Film..?"

"Thats fucked up man."

"Yeah, now do it."

"OK ok. You ain't gotta be a bitch about it." Me and Jack looked up at the camera. Carter said,"Ok who ever Dared Jack to kiss Jack here ya go."

I looked at Jack, grabbed his shirt, pulled him closer to me, and kissed him passionately. After a few minutes I pulled away.

"So there you have it. Jack and Jack did more than kiss." Carter said then started uploading it to fucking YouTube.

"I hate you." Me and jack said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah, I know. But hey you guys made out... Again."
Can we go now. I believe me and Jack have unfinished bidness to do. I wanted to ask but held it back.

"You guys can go now." Carter said, "We'll call you down when we want to Truth or Dare you." Damn, did he read my mind? Oh and if your wondering everyone is filming Truth or Dare so we can put it on our channels on YouTube.

Not good at writing smut. So yeah warning you cause der aint gon be smut. Don't know why I warn if der ain't gon be none.

"Ohmigawd Jack... That was amazing..." I said trying not pant like a fucking dog.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"JACK! JACK!" Carter called,"COME DOWN!"

I sighed. I didn't want to move. "COMING!" I replied.


"We wanted to Truth or Dare you guys but uhm... You were.. Fucking." Aaron said.

"Yeah Uhm... If you got.. That on camera, edit it out?" Jack said but it came out as a question.

"No fucking way man." Matt said.

Jack flipped him off.


"Da fuck? Matt that's was a question."

"Yea well motherfucker flipped me off!"

"Damn straight. No... I'm not straight so that's not right. Hmmmm..."
L8R bitchez

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