Clean Up The Basement

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Jack Johnson

" Jack clean up the basement!" My mom called from inside the kitchen."Or at least before Jack and his dad comes over." I sighed and walked into the kitchen and asked when they were going to be here, mom replied," In about an hour or so." I don't give a damn about what you say.

|Skip he's just cleaning|

"Jack honey their here!" My mom called to me from downstairs. "Ok mom!" I replied. I walked downstairs and into the living room. I had noticed that my mom was dressed up for like a date or something. And Jacks dad was to. "Jack honey, me and Jacks father are going out for a bit. Be good boy and be nice to Jack." "Mom I'm eighteen, I know how to behave and be nice. Oh mom before you go..." I walked over to her and whispered," And no sex." She blushed from sheer embarrassment and with that they walked out of the door.

I took Jack up to my room and asked him what he wanted to do. He mumbled, "You." Or at least that's what I heard, but whatever he said I blushed.

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