Pika's Multiple Questions

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"What did you think of Wattpad before you even used it?"

A: I thought it was just a reading site. But it was much more then that!

"What's your lucky number?"

A: Either 2, 5, or 42.

"How did you come up with your username?"

A: When Pepper was still in Kodiak, we were a team or a pair of soul sisters. I would always say 'Pepper and May' because to me, she was my older sister (And she is. By one month!) and taught me most of the things I know now. When she moved, there was only May and I. I said Kiana and May one day. One of my orchestra friends and I thought of MayAndK. So basically, I was looking for a username for Wattpad and I couldn't do May Perron (That's May's name.), I needed that for RPs. So I thought MayAndK would work and it did.

"Do you like drawing?"

A: Yes. I'm some what a good drawer but I'm getting better at it.

"Do you like reading?"

A: Of course I do! I read books both on Wattpad and in real life.

"Do you like writing?"

A: Well, I wouldn't have made Who Am I? or Creator if I didn't, right? I do better typing up the story then just writing it down. More ideas come to mind for some reason.

"Do you ship Piay?"

A: Yush.

"Do you ship Mark? (May x Dark)"

A: Also a yush.


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