Back at school

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The week break had ended, Y/N had started feeling better about Hachiro but was ready for the comments about her and Kaminari going on a date and such, she really wasn't excited about that... When she walked into the classroom she saw Kirishima staring at Bakugou.

"Looks like someone's got a crush on Bakugou" Y/N says as she walks past Kirishima making him blush. Mina had leaned over onto Y/Ns desk.

"Soo you and Kaminari aren't dating-" Y/N shook her head.

"We went on a date but I don't know if I'm ready for a boyfriend right now, sure I like him but-" Y/N stopped when she realized what she said.

"SO YOU DO LIKE HIM!!" The whole class turned towards them making Y/N blush a lot, she covered her face out of embarssment.

"Oops, guess I said that too loud" there was a couple people whispering.

"Yea..." Aizawa Sensei came in and didn't go straight to sleep.

"I know we just had the villain attack at the USJ but we'll be having the sports festival soon" the whole class got excited, they got to show off their quirks to professionals! Aizawa Sensei went on with teaching but Y/N was spacing out.

'What if Hachiro says one of my biggest secrets and makes it so Herod won't want to work with me?!' She thought about this all class and learned almost nothing, luckily next class was just training.

They had been training for about an hour before they got their first break(Minetas second because he went to the principles office for sexually assaulting the girls) everyone was sweaty and smelled horrible, still Kaminari was trying to flirt with Y/N.

"There's 21 letters in the alphabet Yanno" Y/N rolled her eyes and smiled knowing this pick up line but going with it since it was Kaminari.

"26 idiot" he got close to Y/Ns face.

"I guess I forgot U R A Q T" Kaminari backed away when Y/N started blushing a lot.

~Mina's POV~

I looked over at Y/N and Kaminari, Kaminaris face really close to Y/Ns looking as if they were gonna kiss. And they say they aren't dating.

"ARE YOU SURE YOU TWO ARENT DATING?" I yell to piss them off.

~3rd person POV~

Mina had yelled making Y/N blush more.

"BAKA" Kaminari laughed at her being so flustered. She was adorable when she was flustered, Kaminari really liked Y/N rather than just being flirty with her, he really cared about her. He realized he was staring and was caught.

"Quit staring Kaminari!" Y/N took out her notebook and drew for the little bit of a break they had left. She started drawing her class and before she knew it she had only finished Kaminari, she wrote 'class' at the top and put it back in her bag. 

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